

''Brave New World'' is the third studio album by American rock band Steve Miller Band, released in 1969. It is the band's first album following the departure of founding members Boz Scaggs and Jim Peterman, with Ben Sidran replacing Peterman on keyboards. The album reached number 22 on the ''Billboard'' 200 album chart. In Colin Larkin's third edition of '' All Time Top 1000 Albums'' (2000) it was voted number 676.
Paul McCartney Sir James Paul McCartney (born 18 June 1942) is an English singer, songwriter and musician who gained worldwide fame with the Beatles, for whom he played bass guitar and shared primary songwriting and lead vocal duties with John Lennon. On ...
contributed to two songs on the album. On "My Dark Hour" (credited as "Paul Ramon"), McCartney provides backing vocals, drums, guitar and bass guitar, and he added backing vocals on "Celebration Song".

Track listing


External links

* {{Authority control Steve Miller Band albums 1969 albums Albums produced by Glyn Johns Capitol Records albums