

Lock Lock(s) may refer to: Common meanings *Lock and key, a mechanical device used to secure items of importance *Lock (water navigation), a device for boats to transit between different levels of water, as in a canal Arts and entertainment * ''Lock ...
() is situated at
Bradford on Avon Bradford-on-Avon (sometimes Bradford on Avon or Bradford upon Avon) is a town and civil parish in west Wiltshire, England, near the border with Somerset, which had a population of 9,402 at the 2011 census. The town's canal, historic buildings, s ...
on the
Kennet and Avon Canal The Kennet and Avon Canal is a waterway in southern England with an overall length of , made up of two lengths of navigable river linked by a canal. The name is used to refer to the entire length of the navigation rather than solely to the cent ...
England England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Wales to its west and Scotland to its north. The Irish Sea lies northwest and the Celtic Sea to the southwest. It is separated from continental Europe b ...
. It was in Bradford on Avon that the first sod was cut for the Kennet and Avon Canal in 1794. The lock has a rise/fall of 12 ft 6 inches (3.81 m). There are moorings above and below Bradford Lock. Next to the canal, a little way west of the lock, is a huge 14th-century
tithe barn A tithe barn was a type of barn used in much of northern Europe in the Middle Ages for storing rents and tithes. Farmers were required to give one-tenth of their produce to the established church. Tithe barns were usually associated with the vi ...
. Beside the lock is Bradford Wharf where there are several historical buildings associated with the canal. The Wharfinger's House was the home of the Canal Company employee who managed the wharf. Across the canal was a gauging dock where canal boats were measured and weighed to determine toll rates. The pound below the lock is about long and is the second longest on the canal, finishing when arriving at Bath Locks.


Image:Summer time at the Bradford Lock.jpg, Summer time at the Bradford Lock Image:WharfingersHouseBradford.JPG, Wharfinger's House at Bradford Wharf


See also

Locks on the Kennet and Avon Canal The Kennet and Avon Canal is a canal in southern England. The name may refer to either the route of the original Kennet and Avon Canal Company, which linked the River Kennet at Newbury to the River Avon at Bath, or to the entire navigation bet ...
Locks on the Kennet and Avon Canal Canals in Wiltshire Bradford-on-Avon {{Wiltshire-struct-stub