

Bondi ''k''-calculus is a method of teaching
special relativity In physics, the special theory of relativity, or special relativity for short, is a scientific theory regarding the relationship between space and time. In Albert Einstein's original treatment, the theory is based on two postulates: # The laws o ...
popularised by Sir
Hermann Bondi Sir Hermann Bondi (1 November 1919 – 10 September 2005) was an Austrian-British mathematician and cosmologist. He is best known for developing the steady state model of the universe with Fred Hoyle and Thomas Gold as an alternative to the Big ...
, that has been used in university-level physics classes (e.g. at The University of Oxford), and in some relativity textbooks. The usefulness of the ''k''-calculus is its simplicity. Many introductions to relativity begin with the concept of velocity and a derivation of the
Lorentz transformation In physics, the Lorentz transformations are a six-parameter family of linear transformations from a coordinate frame in spacetime to another frame that moves at a constant velocity relative to the former. The respective inverse transformation i ...
. Other concepts such as
time dilation In physics and relativity, time dilation is the difference in the elapsed time as measured by two clocks. It is either due to a relative velocity between them ( special relativistic "kinetic" time dilation) or to a difference in gravitational ...
length contraction Length contraction is the phenomenon that a moving object's length is measured to be shorter than its proper length, which is the length as measured in the object's own rest frame. It is also known as Lorentz contraction or Lorentz–FitzGerald ...
, the
relativity of simultaneity In physics, the relativity of simultaneity is the concept that ''distant simultaneity'' – whether two spatially separated events occur at the same time – is not absolute, but depends on the observer's reference frame. This possi ...
, the resolution of the twins paradox and the
relativistic Doppler effect The relativistic Doppler effect is the change in frequency (and wavelength) of light, caused by the relative motion of the source and the observer (as in the classical Doppler effect), when taking into account effects described by the special rel ...
are then derived from the Lorentz transformation, all as functions of velocity. Bondi, in his book ''Relativity and Common Sense'', first published in 1964 and based on articles published in ''
The Illustrated London News ''The Illustrated London News'' appeared first on Saturday 14 May 1842, as the world's first illustrated weekly news magazine. Founded by Herbert Ingram, it appeared weekly until 1971, then less frequently thereafter, and ceased publication in ...
'' in 1962, reverses the order of presentation. He begins with what he calls "a fundamental ratio" denoted by the letter k (which turns out to be the radial Doppler factor).d'Inverno (1992), p.40 From this he explains the twins paradox, and the relativity of simultaneity, time dilation, and length contraction, all in terms of k. It is not until later in the exposition that he provides a link between velocity and the fundamental ratio k. The Lorentz transformation appears towards the end of the book.


The ''k''-calculus method had previously been used by E. A. Milne in 1935. Milne used the letter s to denote a constant Doppler factor, but also considered a more general case involving non-inertial motion (and therefore a varying Doppler factor). Bondi used the letter k instead of s and simplified the presentation (for constant k only), and introduced the name "''k''-calculus".

Bondi's ''k''-factor

Consider two inertial observers, Alice and Bob, moving directly away from each other at constant relative velocity. Alice sends a flash of blue light towards Bob once every T seconds, as measured by her own clock. Because Alice and Bob are separated by a distance, there is a delay between Alice sending a flash and Bob receiving a flash. Furthermore, the separation distance is steadily increasing at a constant rate, so the delay keeps on increasing. This means that the time interval between Bob receiving the flashes, as measured by his clock, is greater than T seconds, say kT seconds for some constant k > 1. (If Alice and Bob were, instead, moving directly towards each other, a similar argument would apply, but in that case k < 1.)Bondi (1964) p.80 Bondi describes k as “a fundamental ratio”,Bondi (1964) p.88 and other authors have since called it "the Bondi ''k''-factor" or "Bondi's ''k''-factor". Alice's flashes are transmitted at a frequency of f_s = 1/T Hz, by her clock, and received by Bob at a frequency of f_o = 1/(kT) Hz, by his clock. This implies a Doppler factor of f_s / f_o = k. So Bondi's ''k''-factor is another name for the Doppler factor (when source Alice and observer Bob are moving directly away from or towards each other). If Alice and Bob were to swap roles, and Bob sent flashes of light to Alice, the Principle of Relativity (Einstein's first postulate) implies that the ''k''-factor from Bob to Alice would be the same value as the ''k''-factor from Alice to Bob, as all inertial observers are equivalent. So the ''k''-factor depends only on the relative speed between the observers and nothing else.

The reciprocal ''k''-factor

Consider, now, a third inertial observer Dave who is a fixed distance from Alice, and such that Bob lies on the straight line between Alice and Dave. As Alice and Dave are mutually at rest, the delay from Alice to Dave is constant. This means that Dave receives Alice's blue flashes at a rate of once every T seconds, by his clock, the same rate as Alice sends them. In other words, the ''k''-factor from Alice to Dave is equal to one.Bondi (1964) p.77 Now suppose that whenever Bob receives a blue flash from Alice he immediately sends his own red flash towards Dave, once every kT seconds (by Bob's clock). Einstein's second postulate, that the speed of light is independent of the motion of its source, implies that Alice's blue flash and Bob's red flash both travel at the same speed, neither overtaking the other, and therefore arrive at Dave at the same time. So Dave receives a red flash from Bob every T seconds, by Dave's clock, which were sent by Bob every kT seconds by Bob's clock. This implies that the ''k''-factor from Bob to Dave is 1/k. This establishes that the ''k''-factor for observers moving directly apart (red shift) is the reciprocal of the ''k''-factor for observers moving directly towards each other at the same speed (blue shift).  

The twins paradox

Consider, now, a fourth inertial observer Carol who travels from Dave to Alice at exactly the same speed as Bob travels from Alice to Dave. Carol's journey is timed such that she leaves Dave at exactly the same time as Bob arrives. Denote times recorded by Alice's, Bob's and Carol's clocks by t_A, t_B, t_C. When Bob passes Alice, they both synchronise their clocks to t_A=t_B=0. When Carol passes Bob, she synchronises her clock to Bob's, t_C=t_B. Finally, as Carol passes Alice, they compare their clocks against each other. In Newtonian physics, the expectation would be that, at the final comparison, Alice's and Carol's clock would agree, t_C=t_A. It will be shown below that in relativity this is not true. This is a version of the well-known " twins paradox" in which identical twins separate and reunite, only to find that one is now older than the other. If Alice sends a flash of light at time t_A=T towards Bob, then, by the definition of the ''k''-factor, it will be received by Bob at time t_B=kT. The flash is timed so that it arrives at Bob just at the moment that Bob meets Carol, so Carol synchronises her clock to read t_C=t_B=kT. Also, when Bob and Carol meet, they both simultaneously send flashes to Alice, which are received simultaneously by Alice. Considering, first, Bob's flash, sent at time t_B=kT, it must be received by Alice at time t_A=k^2 T, using the fact that the ''k''-factor from Alice to Bob is the same as the ''k''-factor from Bob to Alice. As Bob's outward journey had a duration of kT, by his clock, it follows by symmetry that Carol's return journey over the same distance at the same speed must also have a duration of kT, by her clock, and so when Carol meets Alice, Carol's clock reads t_C=2kT. The ''k''-factor for this leg of the journey must be the reciprocal 1/k (as discussed earlier), so, considering Carol's flash towards Alice, a transmission interval of kT corresponds to a reception interval of T. This means that the final time on Alice's clock, when Carol and Alice meet, is t_A=(k^2+1)T. This is larger than Carol's clock time t_C=2kT since :t_A-t_C=(k^2-2k+1)T = (k-1)^2 T > 0, provided k \neq 1 and T > 0.Bondi (1964), pp.80–90

Radar measurements and velocity

In the ''k''-calculus methodology, distances are measured using
radar Radar is a detection system that uses radio waves to determine the distance (''ranging''), angle, and radial velocity of objects relative to the site. It can be used to detect aircraft, ships, spacecraft, guided missiles, motor vehicles, w ...
. An observer sends a radar pulse towards a target and receives an echo from it. The radar pulse (which travels at c, the speed of light) travels a total distance, there and back, that is twice the distance to the target, and takes time T_2 - T_1, where T_1 and T_2 are times recorded by the observer's clock at transmission and reception of the radar pulse. This implies that the distance to the target isWoodhouse (2003) p.60 :x_A = \tfrac c(T_2-T_1). Furthermore, since the speed of light is the same in both directions, the time at which the radar pulse arrives at the target must be, according to the observer, halfway between the transmission and reception times, namely :t_A = \tfrac (T_2+T_1). In the particular case where the radar observer is Alice and the target is Bob (momentarily co-located with Dave) as described previously, by ''k''-calculus we have T_2 = k^2 T_1, and so :x_A=\tfrac c(k^2-1) T_1 :t_A=\tfrac (k^2+1) T_1. As Alice and Bob were co-located at t_A=0, x_A=0, the velocity of Bob relative to Alice is given byBondi (1964), p.103Woodhouse (2003), p.64 :v=\frac = \frac = c \frac = c \frac. This equation expresses velocity as a function of the Bondi ''k''-factor. It can be solved for k to give k as a function of v:Bondi (1964), p.103Woodhouse (2003), p.65 :k = \sqrt.

Velocity composition

Consider three inertial observers Alice, Bob and Ed, arranged in that order and moving at different speeds along the same straight line. In this section, the notation k_ will be used to denote the ''k''-factor from Alice to Bob (and similarly between other pairs of observers). As before, Alice sends a blue flash towards Bob and Ed every T seconds, by her clock, which Bob receives every k_ T seconds, by Bob's clock, and Ed receives every k_ T seconds, by Ed's clock. Now suppose that whenever Bob receives a blue flash from Alice he immediately sends his own red flash towards Ed, once every k_ T seconds by Bob's clock, so Ed receives a red flash from Bob every k_ (k_ T) seconds, by Ed's clock. Einstein's second postulate, that the speed of light is independent of the motion of its source, implies that Alice's blue flash and Bob's red flash both travel at the same speed, neither overtaking the other, and therefore arrive at Ed at the same time. Therefore, as measured by Ed, the red flash interval k_ (k_ T) and the blue flash interval k_ T must be the same. So the rule for combining ''k''-factors is simply multiplication:Bondi (1964) p.105 :k_=k_ k_. Finally, substituting :k_=\sqrt, \, k_=\sqrt, \, v_=c \frac gives the velocity composition formula :v_=\frac.

The invariant interval

Using the radar method described previously, inertial observer Alice assigns coordinates (t_A, x_A) to an event by transmitting a radar pulse at time t_A-x_A/c and receiving its echo at time t_A+x_A/c, as measured by her clock. Similarly, inertial observer Bob can assign coordinates (t_B, x_B) to the same event by transmitting a radar pulse at time t_B-x_B/c and receiving its echo at time t_B+x_B/c, as measured by his clock. However, as the diagram shows, it is not necessary for Bob to generate his own radar signal, as he can simply take the timings from Alice's signal instead. Now, applying the ''k''-calculus method to the signal that travels from Alice to Bob :k=\frac. Similarly, applying the ''k''-calculus method to the signal that travels from Bob to Alice :k=\frac. Equating the two expressions for k and rearranging,Bondi (1964), p.118 :c^2 t_A^2-x_A^2=c^2 t_B^2-x_B^2. This establishes that the quantity c^2 t^2-x^2 is an invariant: it takes the same value in any inertial coordinate system and is known as the
invariant interval In physics, spacetime is a mathematical model that combines the three dimensions of space and one dimension of time into a single four-dimensional manifold. Spacetime diagrams can be used to visualize relativistic effects, such as why differ ...

The Lorentz transformation

The two equations for k in the previous section can be solved as simultaneous equations to obtain:Woodhouse (2003), p.67 :ct_B=\tfrac (k+k^ ) ct_A - \tfrac (k-k^ ) x_A :x_B=\tfrac (k+k^ ) x_A - \tfrac (k-k^ ) ct_A These equations are the
Lorentz transformation In physics, the Lorentz transformations are a six-parameter family of linear transformations from a coordinate frame in spacetime to another frame that moves at a constant velocity relative to the former. The respective inverse transformation i ...
expressed in terms of the Bondi ''k''-factor instead of in terms of velocity. By substituting : k=\sqrt, the more traditional form :t_B=\frac; \, x_B=\frac is obtained.


Rapidity In relativity, rapidity is commonly used as a measure for relativistic velocity. Mathematically, rapidity can be defined as the hyperbolic angle that differentiates two frames of reference in relative motion, each frame being associated with di ...
\varphi can be defined from the ''k''-factor byWoodhouse (2003), p.71 :\varphi = \log_e k, \, k = e^\varphi, and so :v = c \frac = c \tanh \varphi. The ''k''-factor version of the Lorentz transform becomes :ct_B = ct_A \cosh \varphi - x_A \sinh \varphi :x_B = x_A \cosh \varphi - ct_A \sinh \varphi It follows from the composition rule for k, k_=k_ k_, that the composition rule for rapidities is addition: :\varphi_ = \varphi_ + \varphi_.



External links

Review of Bondi k-Calculus
Special relativity