Reasons for making an emergency ascent
An emergency ascent implies that the dive plan has been abandoned due to circumstances beyond the control of the diver, though they may have been caused by the diver, as is often the case in out-of gas emergencies in scuba diving. Out of gas emergencies are generally the most urgent contingencies in diving, as the available time to deal with the emergency can be measured in minutes or seconds, while most other non-traumatic emergencies allow more time. Other reasons for emergency ascent may include: *Failure of aTerminology for emergency ascents
Independent action
(no assistance required from another diver) *Bailout ascent is where the diver makes use of aDependent action
(assistance provided by another diver) *Buddy breathing ascent is where the diver is provided with breathing gas during the ascent from the same demand valve (second stage regulator) as the donor, and they breathe alternately. *Octopus assisted ascent, sometimes just assisted ascent is where the diver is provided with breathing gas during the ascent by another diver via a demand valve other than the one in use by the donor during the ascent. This may be supplied from the same or a different cylinder, and from the same or a separate 1st stage regulator. The divers' breathing is not constrained by each other, and they may breathe simultaneously.Training policies of various certification agencies
Few issues of diver training have been more controversial than the teaching of emergency ascent procedures. The controversy centers on techniques, psychological and physiological considerations, concern about today's legal climate, and finally the moral issue: is it wise and ethical to train divers in emergency ascent techniques, even though this training may itself be hazardous?Emergency ascent training policy differs considerably among the certification agencies, and has been the subject of some controversy regarding risk-benefit.
Ronald C. Samson & James W. Miller, 1977
NSTC agreement
In 1977 a formal policy regarding training of emergency ascent procedures was adopted by five major American recreational diver certification agencies: NASDS, NAUI, PADI, SSI andSSAC
The Scottish Sub-Aqua Club holds that training is primarily to deal with potential emergencies and that it should be practical rather than purely theoretical. This implies that it is better to have some practical experience of ability to cope with a simulated emergency situation as this gives greater insight and confidence, as well as proven ability, provided that the risk in training is appreciably smaller than the risk in not being trained. The SSAC trains open water free ascent from a maximum depth of 6–7 m, initially using a shot line to control ascent rate, and considers the risk small and the benefit significant in view of their statistics which showed an incidence of roughly 16 free ascents per 10,000 dives. In 1978 the SSAC recommended responses to an air supply failure, in order of preference, were *making use of a companion's octopus rig, *then by breathing from anCMAS
The only reference to emergency ascent training in the CMAS Diver Training Program (CMAS TC Version 9/2002) is in the 1-star course where Controlled buoyancy lift of victim to surface is specified under practical training of rescue skills.Commercial and scientific diving
Use of a bailout cylinder is the primary source of emergency breathing gas recommended by several codes of practice for scientific and commercial divers.Choice of procedure
*The scuba diver perceives an out of air emergency: *An option is chosen: **If a bailout cylinder is carried, the diver switches to personal bailout gas and makes a ''normal ascent'' **If the diver is not carrying a bailout cylinder, and another diver is in the immediate vicinity, the diver may request gas from the other diver ***If the other diver has the gas available and is both willing and competent to provide it, the donor provides emergency gas and the two divers make an ''assisted emergency ascent'' while sharing gas using a single demand valve or octopus demand valve, or supplying the receiver from the donor's bailout set ***If the other diver does not help, the distressed diver must make an ''unassisted emergency ascent'' **If there is no other diver in the immediate vicinity, the diver must make an ''unassisted emergency ascent'' **If the diver judges the risk of an unassisted emergency ascent to be sufficiently low, or relatively low compared to the other available options, he/she may choose to do an unassisted emergency ascent although other options may technically exist. When there is no physical or physiological constraint (such as excessive depth, a physical overhead or a decompression obligation) preventing a direct ascent to the surface, an unassisted emergency ascent may be the lowest risk option, as it eliminates the unknowns associated with finding and requesting aid from another diver. These unknowns may be minimised by training, practice, prior agreement, and adherence to suitable protocols regarding equipment, planning, dive procedures and communication.Scuba procedures
Ascent while breathing from the buoyancy compensator
An alternative emergency breathing air source may be available via the buoyancy compensator. There are two possibilities for this: #If the buoyancy compensator has an inflation gas supply from an independent, dedicated cylinder, this gas can be breathed by the diver by using the inflation valves and the oral inflation mouthpiece. BC inflation cylinders are neither common, nor usually very large, so the amount of air will be small and generally insufficient for staged decompression, but a few breaths on the way up can make a big difference to the stress level of the diver, and may prevent loss of consciousness. #If the buoyancy compensator is supplied from the breathing gas cylinder, the volume available will be extremely limited, but it will expand during ascent, and instead of dumping it to reduce excess buoyancy, it may be breathed by the diver. Anyone who considers this as an option should ensure that the interior of the BC is decontaminated before use, as it is an environment in which pathogens may breed.Buoyant ascent
Ascent where the diver is propelled towards the surface by positive buoyancy. Generally recommended as a last resort, though a sufficiently skilled diver could control ascent rate by precise dumping from the BC and use this as a low energy alternative to a swimming ascent. In this case weights should not be ditched during the ascent. Positive buoyancy may be established by inflation of the BC or dry suit, or by ditching weights. Buoyancy from added air can be controlled during ascent by dumping, but the effect of ditched weights is not reversible, and usually increases as the surface is approached, particularly if a thick wetsuit is worn. If weight can be ditched partially, this may be a better option, unless the diver feels that he is about to lose consciousness, in which case a substantial increase in buoyancy may be better. A method of buoyancy control which will automatically jettison weights if the diver loses consciousness during the ascent is to take them off and hold them in a hand while surfacing. If the diver loses consciousness, the weights will drop and positive buoyancy will take the diver the rest of the way to the surface.Controlled emergency swimming ascent (CESA)
Controlled emergency swimming ascent is a technique used byBuddy breathing ascent
Ascent during which the diver is provided with breathing gas from the same demand valve (second stage regulator) as the donor, and they breathe alternately. The out-of air diver must attract the attention of a nearby diver and request to share air. If the chosen donor has sufficient gas, and is competent to share by this method, an emergency ascent may be accomplished safely. Accurate buoyancy control is still required, and the stress of controlling the ascent rate and maintaining the breathing procedure can be more than some divers can handle. There have been occurrences of uncontrolled ascent and panic, in some cases with fatal consequences to both divers. This procedure is best suited to divers who are well acquainted with each other, well practiced in the procedure, and highly competent in buoyancy control and ascent rate control. In most circumstances analysis of the risk would indicate that the divers should have an alternative breathing gas source in preference to relying on buddy breathing. Failure to provide alternative breathing gas without good reason would probably be considered negligent in professional diving.Assisted ascent
Also known as octopus assisted ascent, assisted ascent is an emergency ascent during which the diver is provided with breathing gas by another diver via a demand valve other than the one in use by the donor during the ascent. This may be supplied from the same or a different cylinder, and from the same or a separate 1st stage regulator. The divers' breathing patterns are not constrained by each other, and they may breathe simultaneously. Task loading is reduced in comparison with buddy breathing, and the divers can concentrate on controlling the ascent.Lifeline assisted ascent
An ascent where the diver is pulled to the surface by the line tender, either as a response to an emergency signal from the diver, or a failure to respond to signals from the surface. A diver may also be assisted in the ascent by the line tender in a normal ascent, particularly divers in standard dress, where it was often the normal operating procedure.Controlled buoyant lift
The controlled buoyant lift is an underwaterTethered ascent
Ascent controlled by a line attached to the diver and to a fixed point at the bottom, with the line paid out by the diver to control depth and rate of ascent when the diver has inadvertently lost full control of buoyancy due to loss of ballast weight, so cannot attain neutral buoyancy at some point during the ascent, and needs to do decompression. CMAS require this skill for their Self-Rescue Diver certification, using a ratchet reel to control the line, though other methods may be feasible. The diver must ensure that gas can be released from the buoyancy compensator and dry suit, if applicable, throughout the ascent, to avoid aggravating the problem by trapped gas expansion. This basically requires the diver to ascend with the feet down and dump valves up, an orientation which can be achieved by hooking a leg around the line. Clipping the reel to the harness should prevent accidentally losing the reel during the ascent. Depending on how the line is attached at the bottom, it may be necessary to cut loose and abandon the line after surfacing.Surface supplied procedures
Ascent on bailout gas
The diver opens the bailout valve on the helmet, bandmask or harness mounted bailout block. This opens the supply of breathing gas from the bailout cylinder carried by the diver to the demand valve of the breathing apparatus. The bailout gas volume carried by the diver is usually required to be sufficient to return to a place of safety where more gas is available, such as the surface, diving stage or wet or dry bell.Ascent on pneumo air
Another option for the surface supplied diver is to breathe air supplied through theBell or stage abandonment
In the event that a wet bell or stage cannot be recovered from a dive on schedule, it may be necessary for the divers to abandon it and make an autonomous ascent. This may be complicated by decompression obligations or compromised breathing gas supply, and may involve the assistance of a surface standby diver. The procedure depends on whether the divers' breathing gas is supplied directly from the surface (type 1 wet bell) or is supplied from a gas panel in the bell, via the bell umbilical (type 2 wet bell). To abandon a type 1 wet bell or stage, the divers simply exit the bell on the side that the umbilicals enter, ensuring that they are not looped around anything. This is reliably done by having the surface tender take up slack while returning to the bell and following the umbilical out the other side, after which the tender can simply raise the diver as if there were no bell. On a type 2 bell, the divers' umbilicals are connected to the gas panel in the bell, and the procedure used should minimise the risk of the umbilical snagging during the ascent and forcing the diver to descend again to free it. If the diver excursion umbilical is not long enough to allow the diver to reach the surface, the standby diver will have to disconnect the bell diver's umbilical, and the rest of the ascent may be done on bailout, pneumo supply from the standby diver, or the standby diver can connect a replacement umbilical.Saturation diving
The only viable form of emergency ascent by a saturation diver is inside a closed and pressurised bell. This can be in the form of an emergency recovery of the original bell, or by through water transfer to another bell at depth. A form of unassisted emergency ascent for a bell with functioning lock and external ballast, is to release the ballast from inside the sealed bell, allowing inherent buoyancy to lift the bell to the surface.Hazards
Lung overpressure accidents
The most direct and well publicised hazard is lung overpressure due to either a failure on the part of the diver to allow the expanding air in the lungs to escape harmlessly, or entrapment of air due to circumstances beyond the control of the diver. Lung overpressure can lead to fatal or disabling injury, and can occur during training exercises, even when reasonable precautions have been taken. There is some evidence that a full exhalation at the start of the ascent in the "blow and go" scenario, can lead to partial collapse of some of the smaller air passages, and that these can then trap air during the ascent sufficiently to cause tissue rupture and air embolism. The procedure of slowly letting the air escape during ascent can also be taken too far, and not allow the air to escape fast enough, with similar consequences. Attempting to breathe off the empty cylinder is one way of potentially avoiding these problems, as this has the double advantage of keeping the airways open more reliably, and in most cases allowing the diver several more breaths during the ascent as the reduced ambient pressure allows more of the residual cylinder air to pass through the regulator and become available to the diver. A 10-litre cylinder ascending 10 metres will produce an extra 10 litres of free air (reduced to atmospheric pressure). At a tidal volume of about 1 litre this would give several breaths during ascent, with increased effectiveness nearer the surface. Of course this air is not available in some cases, such as a rolled off cylinder valve, burst hose, blown o-ring, or lost second stage, where the failure is not simply breathing all the air down to the pressure where the regulator stops delivering, but if it is possible, the demand valve can be kept in the mouth and the diver can continue to attempt to breathe from it during a free ascent.Loss of consciousness due to hypoxia
One of the dangers of a free ascent is hypoxia due to using up the available oxygen during the ascent. This can be aggravated if the diver fully exhales at the start of the ascent in the "blow and go" technique, if the diver is so heavy that swimming upwards requires strong exertion, or if the diver is already stressed and short of breath when the air supply is lost. Loss of consciousness during ascent is likely to lead to drowning, particularly if the unconscious diver is negatively buoyant at that point and sinks. On the other hand, a fit diver leaving the bottom with a moderate lungful of air, relatively unstressed, and not overexerted, will usually have sufficient oxygen available to reach the surface conscious by direct swimming ascent with constant exhalation at a reasonable rate of between 9 and 18 metres per minute from recreational diving depths (30 m or less), provided his or her buoyancy is close to neutral at the bottom.Decompression sickness
The risk of decompression sickness during an emergency ascent is probably no greater than the risk during a normal ascent at the same ascent rate after the same dive profile. In effect, the same ascent rate and decompression profile should be applied in an emergency ascent as in a normal ascent, and if there is a decompression requirement in the planned dive, steps should be taken to mitigate the risk if having to make an ascent without stops. The most straightforward and obviously effective method is for the diver to carry a bailout set sufficient to allow the planned ascent profile if the primary gas supply fails. This makes each diver independent on the availability of air from a buddy, but may cause extra task loading and physical loading of the diver due to the extra equipment needed. This method is extensively used by commercial and scientific divers, solo recreational divers, and some technical and recreational divers who prefer self-reliance. When all else fails, the consequences of missing some decompression time are usually less severe than death by drowning.Drowning
Drowning is the most likely consequence of a failure to reach the surface during an independent emergency ascent, and is a significant risk even if the diver reaches the surface if he or she loses consciousness on the way.Mitigation of hazards
*The most generally effective method is for each diver to carry an independent bailout set sufficient to safely reach the surface, after completing all required decompression for the planned dive profile. This is relatively expensive and many recreational divers have never been trained in this skill, so there may be unacceptable additional task loading to carry and use the equipment. *An economical and effective method of reducing risk while sharing air is use of secondary (octopus) demand valves. This is effective only if the buddy is available for sharing at the time of the emergency. *If it is possible, the demand valve can be kept in the mouth and the diver can continue to attempt to breathe from it during a free ascent. *If the diver is in reasonable doubt of remaining conscious all the way to the surface, positive buoyancy provided by either suit or BC inflation, or by shedding weights can ensure that if the diver does lose consciousness, he/she will at least float to the surface, where there is a better chance of rescue than sinking back to the bottom and almost certainly drowning. *Diving in teams of two or three divers who are adequately trained and equipped with similar equipment so that emergency procedures are facilitated, and ensuring that the team are always close enough to respond in time to an emergency. *The diver should not waste time while making the choice of which emergency ascent procedure to use. A controlled swimming ascent is the most recommended default for recreational diving. Divers who venture beyond the safe zone for controlled swimming ascent should be prepared for their most appropriate option at all times. *Some lung pathologies increase the risk of lung overpressure injury significantly. Divers can inform themselves of these increased risks by undergoing appropriate medical examinations. *In the event that a free ascent is required, the lung volume should neither be too large nor too small, as both extremes increase the risk of injury. A volume within the normal relaxed range should be suitable. Forceful exhalation before ascent increases the risk of lung injury, and reduces the available oxygen. *Pre-dive discussions and checks to ensure that all members of the dive team are aware of and agree with the procedures to be used if there is an emergency during the dive, and that they are all familiar with the equipment and equipment configuration of all members of the team. *Adequate emergency ascent procedure training, and sufficient practice to remain adept in the requisite skills. *During octopus assisted or buddy breathing ascents, divers should remain in close contact, and keep control of their buoyancy. *A first stage regulator which is to be used with an octopus demand valve should be able to supply the required flow rate without freezing up if the water is coldFreediving
In freediving the usual emergency ascent involves ditching the diver's weightbelt to increase buoyancy and reduce the effort required. This generally establishes positive buoyancy and gives the diver a chance of not drowning if they lose consciousness before reaching the surface and are assisted by another diver, or are lucky enough to float face upwards and draw a breath.References
Further reading
These documents are of historical interest, as representing the attitudes regarding the training of emergency ascents circa 1978: * * * * * {{Underwater diving, divsaf Underwater diving safety Underwater diving emergency procedures Safety