


Berzeliusskolan (most often called ''Berzan'') is a primary and secondary school (secondary above all), in
Linköping Linköping () is a city in southern Sweden, with around 105,000 inhabitants as of 2021. It is the seat of Linköping Municipality and the capital of Östergötland County. Linköping is also the episcopal see of the Diocese of Linköping (Church ...
Sweden Sweden, formally the Kingdom of Sweden,The United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names states that the country's formal name is the Kingdom of SwedenUNGEGN World Geographical Names, Sweden./ref> is a Nordic country located on ...
. The school is run by
Linköping Municipality Linköping Municipality (''Linköpings kommun'') is a municipality in Östergötland County in southern Sweden. With more than 165,000 inhabitants, it is the fifth largest municipality in Sweden. The municipality is bordered in the west by Motala ...
. Berzeliusskolan was founded as a primary school in 1953 under the name of ''Vasaskolan''. When the school also enjoyed a visit from
King King is the title given to a male monarch in a variety of contexts. The female equivalent is queen, which title is also given to the consort of a king. *In the context of prehistory, antiquity and contemporary indigenous peoples, the tit ...
Gustaf VI Adolf Gustaf VI Adolf (Oscar Fredrik Wilhelm Olaf Gustaf Adolf; 11 November 1882 – 15 September 1973) was King of Sweden from 29 October 1950 until his death in 1973. He was the eldest son of Gustaf V and his wife, Victoria of Baden. Before Gustaf Ado ...
. ''Vasaskolan'' was shut down in 1965 and reopened two years later as an institution of higher learning (high school/secondary school). Since 1997 ''Berzeliusskolan'' once again holds classes for 1,500 students in grade 7–9 in addition to the students in secondary school. The school is named after
Jöns Jacob Berzelius Baron Jöns Jacob Berzelius (; by himself and his contemporaries named only Jacob Berzelius, 20 August 1779 – 7 August 1848) was a Swedish chemist. Berzelius is considered, along with Robert Boyle, John Dalton, and Antoine Lavoisier, to be on ...
, one of the fathers of modern
chemistry Chemistry is the science, scientific study of the properties and behavior of matter. It is a natural science that covers the Chemical element, elements that make up matter to the chemical compound, compounds made of atoms, molecules and ions ...
. Berzelius was, perhaps ironically, a student at Berzeliusskolan's neighbour and rival, Katedralskolan. Katedralskolan was the only secondary school in Linköping at that time.


''Berzeliusskolan'' offers programs in
Natural Sciences Natural science is one of the branches of science concerned with the description, understanding and prediction of natural phenomena, based on empirical evidence from observation and experimentation. Mechanisms such as peer review and repeatab ...
Technology Technology is the application of knowledge to reach practical goals in a specifiable and reproducible way. The word ''technology'' may also mean the product of such an endeavor. The use of technology is widely prevalent in medicine, science, ...
for its secondary school students. Having great focus on math skills and holding the university math preparation class ''Matte F''. The primary school also offers specialisation classes in Natural Sciences and Technology.

External links

Berzeliusskolan Website
Educational institutions established in 1953 Buildings and structures in Linköping Gymnasiums (school) in Sweden 1953 establishments in Sweden {{Sweden-school-stub