Bank Statements



A bank statement is an official summary of
financial transaction A financial transaction is an agreement, or communication, between a buyer and seller to exchange goods, services, or assets for payment. Any transaction involves a change in the status of the finances of two or more businesses or individuals. ...
s occurring within a given period for each
bank account A bank account is a financial account maintained by a bank or other financial institution in which the financial transactions between the bank and a customer are recorded. Each financial institution sets the terms and conditions for each type o ...
held by a person or business with a
financial institution Financial institutions, sometimes called banking institutions, are business entities that provide services as intermediaries for different types of financial monetary transactions. Broadly speaking, there are three major types of financial inst ...
. Such statements are prepared by the financial institution, are numbered and indicate the period covered by the statement, and may contain other relevant information for the account type, such as how much is payable by a certain date. The start date of the statement period is usually the day after the end of the previous statement period. Once produced and delivered to the customer, details on the statement are not normally alterable; any error found would normally be corrected on a future statement, usually with some correspondence explaining the reason for the adjustment. Bank statements are commonly used by the customer to monitor cash flow, check for possible fraudulent transactions, and perform
bank reconciliation In bookkeeping, a bank reconciliation is the process by which the bank account balance in an entity’s books of account is reconciled to the balance reported by the financial institution in the most recent bank statement. Any difference bet ...
s. Historically they have been printed on one or more pieces of paper, and either mailed directly to the account holder or kept at the financial institution's local
branch A branch, sometimes called a ramus in botany, is a woody structural member connected to the central trunk of a tree (or sometimes a shrub). Large branches are known as boughs and small branches are known as twigs. The term '' twig'' usually ...
for pick-up. In recent years there has been a shift towards paperless electronic statements, and many financial institutions now also offer direct downloads of financial information into the account holders' accounting software to streamline the reconciliation process. Bank statements are important documents and are usually required to be retained for audit and tax purposes for a period set by relevant tax authorities. To enable account holders to track account activity on an ongoing basis, many financial institutions offer a non-official transaction history before the official bank statement is produced. Such activity may be viewed on or printed from the financial institution's website, a smartphone application, available via
telephone banking Telephone banking is a service provided by a bank or other financial institution, that enables customers to perform over the telephone a range of financial transactions which do not involve cash or Financial instruments (such as cheques), without ...
, or printed by some
ATM ATM or atm often refers to: * Atmosphere (unit) or atm, a unit of atmospheric pressure * Automated teller machine, a cash dispenser or cash machine ATM or atm may also refer to: Computing * ATM (computer), a ZX Spectrum clone developed in Mo ...
s. Transaction histories or account balances may also be shared with other financial institutions, when the account holder gives permission, through
open banking Open banking is a financial services term within financial technology. It refers to: #The use of open APIs that enable third-party developers to build applications and services around the financial institution. #Greater financial transparency o ...
to provide services such as
account aggregation Account aggregation sometimes also known as financial data aggregation is a method that involves compiling information from different accounts, which may include bank accounts, credit card accounts, investment accounts, and other consumer or busin ...
. An aggregation service only lets the software view an account balance, not actual transactions.

Paper statements

Historically, bank statements were paper statements produced periodically on a monthly,
quarterly A magazine is a periodical literature, periodical publication, generally published on a regular schedule (often weekly or monthly), containing a variety of content (media), content. They are generally financed by advertising, newsagent's shop, ...
annual Annual may refer to: * Annual publication, periodical publications appearing regularly once per year **Yearbook **Literary annual * Annual plant *Annual report *Annual giving *Annual, Morocco, a settlement in northeastern Morocco *Annuals (band), ...
basis. Since the introduction of computers in banks in the 1960s, bank statements have generally been produced monthly. Bank statements for accounts with small transaction volumes, such as investments or
savings account A savings account is a bank account at a retail bank. Common features include a limited number of withdrawals, a lack of cheque and linked debit card facilities, limited transfer options and the inability to be overdrawn. Traditionally, tran ...
s, may be produced less frequently. Depending on the financial institution, bank statements may also include certain features such as the canceled
cheque A cheque, or check (American English; see spelling differences) is a document that orders a bank (or credit union) to pay a specific amount of money from a person's account to the person in whose name the cheque has been issued. The pers ...
s (or their images) that cleared through the account during the statement period. Paper statements are typically posted to a customer's home address, and sometimes a copy may be posted to, say, an accountant or guardian. Some financial institutions use the occasion of posting bank statements to include notices such as changes in
fees A fee is the price one pays as remuneration for rights or services. Fees usually allow for overhead, wages, costs, and markup. Traditionally, professionals in the United Kingdom (and previously the Republic of Ireland) receive a fee in contrad ...
interest rate An interest rate is the amount of interest due per period, as a proportion of the amount lent, deposited, or borrowed (called the principal sum). The total interest on an amount lent or borrowed depends on the principal sum, the interest rate, t ...
s or to include
promotional material In marketing, promotion refers to any type of marketing communication used to inform target audiences of the relative merits of a product, service, brand or issue, most of the time persuasive in nature. It helps marketers to create a distinctive ...
. Financial institutions are required to produce paper statements to customers unless the customer requests either electronic statements or no statements at all. Historically, the production of statements was regarded as part of the banking function, the cost of which was part of providing the service. More recently, however, to encourage customers to opt to receive electronic statements, some financial institutions charge a fee for paper statements. Some countries such as Japan never had a tradition of mailing statements, with individual account holders being expected to keep track of deposits, withdrawals, and balances using their own passbooks at ATMs.

Electronic statements

Since the late 1990s, banks have encouraged customers to receive statements electronically. The switch normally requires express customer consent, which is typically obtained through an
online banking Online banking, also known as internet banking, web banking or home banking, is an electronic payment system that enables customers of a bank or other financial institution to conduct a range of financial transactions through the financial inst ...
system. Producing electronic statements saves financial institutions the significant cost of printing statements, folding them into envelopes and postage. In addition, customers could receive statements more promptly, and not be dependent on the postal delivery service. The customer could print the statement at their premises if they needed one, or have access to historic statements on the institution's website as needed. Other parties may be authorized to have access to the customer's financial information on the institution's website. Electronic statements may be sent as attachments to emails or, as a security measure, as a reminder that a new statement is available on the financial institution's website. Whether such statements are transmitted as attachments or from the website, they are commonly generated in
PDF format Portable Document Format (PDF), standardized as ISO 32000, is a file format developed by Adobe in 1992 to present documents, including text formatting and images, in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems. ...
, to reduce the ability of the recipient to electronically alter the statement. Due to
identity theft Identity theft occurs when someone uses another person's personal identifying information, like their name, identifying number, or credit card number, without their permission, to commit fraud or other crimes. The term ''identity theft'' was c ...
concerns, an electronic statement may not be seen as a dangerous alternative against physical theft as it does not contain tangible personal information and does not require extra safety measures of disposal such as shredding. However, an electronic statement can be easier to obtain than a physical one through computer fraud, data interception, and/or theft of storage media.

Statement conventions

A bank deposit account is at the same time an asset of the depositor and debt of the bank. A statement typically presents the bank's view of the account, with credit entries increasing the bank's debit and debit entries reducing it. A customer tracking the same account as an asset would reverse the debits and credits from what appears on the statement.

Laws by county

United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, all banks and building societies are required by law to provide a bank statement on paper or in another durable medium to customers, unless where the customer has a
passbook A passbook or bankbook is a paper book used to record bank or building society transactions on a deposit account. Traditionally, a passbook was used for accounts with a low transaction volume, such as savings accounts. A bank teller or postma ...
, is a customer of an online only bank or has elected not to receive paper statements.

United States

Banks in the United States are only required to send a statement for a checking account if one transaction has been made from that account in a month. Customers also have the option to receive electronic statements.

See also

Bank account A bank account is a financial account maintained by a bank or other financial institution in which the financial transactions between the bank and a customer are recorded. Each financial institution sets the terms and conditions for each type o ...
Passbook A passbook or bankbook is a paper book used to record bank or building society transactions on a deposit account. Traditionally, a passbook was used for accounts with a low transaction volume, such as savings accounts. A bank teller or postma ...
Telephone banking Telephone banking is a service provided by a bank or other financial institution, that enables customers to perform over the telephone a range of financial transactions which do not involve cash or Financial instruments (such as cheques), without ...
Transaction account A transaction account, also called a checking account, chequing account, current account, demand deposit account, or share draft account at credit unions, is a deposit account held at a bank or other financial institution. It is available to the ...
Open banking Open banking is a financial services term within financial technology. It refers to: #The use of open APIs that enable third-party developers to build applications and services around the financial institution. #Greater financial transparency o ...


{{DEFAULTSORT:Bank Statement Banking terms Accounting source documents