

"Bad Girls" is episode fourteen of season three of the television series ''
Buffy the Vampire Slayer ''Buffy the Vampire Slayer'' is an American supernatural fiction, supernatural drama television series created by writer and director Joss Whedon. It is based on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer (film), 1992 film of the same name, also written by W ...
''. It was written by
Doug Petrie Douglas Petrie is an American screenwriter, director, and producer. Best known as a writer, director, and co-executive producer on ''Buffy the Vampire Slayer''. He co-wrote the screenplays for the ''Fantastic Four'' film and ''Harriet the Spy'' ...
, directed by
Michael Lange Michael Lange (born March 1, 1950) is an American television director and record producer. Biography Early life Born and raised just outside New York City,
, and first broadcast on February 9, 1999 on the
WB network The WB Television Network (for Warner Bros., or the "Frog Network", for its former mascot, Michigan J. Frog) was an American television network launched on broadcast television on January 11, 1995, as a joint venture between the Warner Bros. ...
. Buffy gets a new watcher, and Faith lures Buffy into reckless abandon.


While out patrolling, Buffy and Faith kill a vampire that was armed with swords, one short and one long. The next day in the school library, Buffy's supercilious new watcher, Wesley, identifies the swords as belonging to a cult of swordsman vampires, who were once led by a demon named Balthazar. Wesley instructs Buffy to retrieve an amulet that belonged to Balthazar, who he believes to be dead. That night, Buffy finds the amulet but a group of Balthazar's vampires arrive before she can take it. Faith impulsively jumps into the vampire nest and is joined in the fight by Buffy, who finds the amulet. After handing it over to Wesley, Buffy leaves to take a school test. She repeatedly tries to tell Willow and Xander about the previous night and notices Xander twitch whenever she mentions Faith's name. Faith shows up at the window and she and Buffy leave to destroy another vampire nest. Exhilarated, the two go dancing at the Bronze where Buffy meets up with Angel. He tells her that Balthazar is alive and looking for his amulet. When Wesley arrives she takes the amulet from him and gives it to Angel for safekeeping. Buffy and Faith find Balthazar surrounded by his vampires, so they break into a sports equipment store to steal weapons. The police arrive and arrest them, but the two slayers break out of the car, causing it to crash and injure the police officers. The following morning, the Mayor is attacked by one of Balthazar's vampires, who is foiled by Mr. Trick. Balthazar demands his minions bring him the watchers, kill the slayers, and bring him his amulet. The enemy who crippled him is about to gain ultimate power and he refuses to let this come to pass. Willow presents Buffy with a protection spell and is ready to go slaying that night, but Buffy tells her that it is too dangerous and that she is going with Faith instead. The two run into several vampires and stake them, then Allan, the mayor's human deputy, grabs Buffy so Faith stakes him too. He dies before anything can be done and the slayers scatter. Buffy runs into Angel who tells her about Balthazar capturing Giles, while Faith returns to Allan's body. Balthazar questions the two watchers as to who has his amulet. Wesley is willing to tell him, but does not know Angel's name. Angel shows up with Buffy, frees Giles and a fight breaks out. When Balthazar captures Angel, Buffy tosses live wires into his tub of water, electrocuting him. With his dying breath, Balthazar warns them of his enemy. In his office that night, the Mayor performs a ritual that makes him unable to be killed. Buffy tries to talk to Faith about Allan's death, but Faith has disposed of the body and says she does not care.


Alexis Denisof Alexis Denisof (born February 25, 1966) is an American actor. He is primarily known for playing Wesley Wyndam-Pryce in the television series ''Buffy the Vampire Slayer'' and its spin-off ''Angel''. He also had a recurring role on ''How I Met Your ...
Alyson Hannigan Alyson Lee Hannigan (born March 24, 1974) is an American actress. After starting her career at age four with appearances in commercials, she moved to Hollywood at age 11 and soon got an agent. Hannigan began her film career with supporting r ...
as a result of being cast as Wesley, and the two married on October 11, 2003. Denisof's role on ''Buffy'' would also lead him to become a regular cast member on the spin-off, ''
Angel In various theistic religious traditions an angel is a supernatural spiritual being who serves God. Abrahamic religions often depict angels as benevolent celestial intermediaries between God (or Heaven) and humanity. Other roles include ...


After Faith accidentally kills Allan, Buffy finds her in her hotel room obsessively scrubbing his blood from her shirt. As Richardson and Rabb note, this scene is reminiscent of
Lady Macbeth Lady Macbeth is a leading character in William Shakespeare's tragedy '' Macbeth'' (). As the wife of the play's tragic hero, Macbeth (a Scottish nobleman), Lady Macbeth goads her husband into committing regicide, after which she becomes quee ...
's "equally futile attempt to wash away guilt by washing away its physical signs". When Buffy reminds Faith that "you can shut off all the emotions that you want... but eventually, they're gonna find a body," she is referring to the authorities finding Allan's body; however the ambiguous grammar suggests that it is Faith's emotions of guilt and shame that will eventually find a body as well.


A review for the
BBC #REDIRECT BBC #REDIRECT BBC Here i going to introduce about the best teacher of my life b BALAJI sir. He is the precious gift that I got befor 2yrs . How has helped and thought all the concept and made my success in the 10th board exam. ...
said the scene where Allan is killed "signals a fundamental change to a more mature series". It also said that Faith, who was initially concerned about the death, subsequently sheds all sense of responsibility and that without the death, Buffy might easily have become like Faith.


External links

* {{DEFAULTSORT:Bad Girls (Buffy The Vampire Slayer) Buffy the Vampire Slayer (season 3) episodes 1999 American television episodes