

Bab al-Nasr ( ar, بَاب النَّصْر, Bāb an-Naṣr) meaning the ''Gate of Victory'', is one of the nine historical gates of the
Ancient City A city is a human settlement of notable size.Goodall, B. (1987) ''The Penguin Dictionary of Human Geography''. London: Penguin.Kuper, A. and Kuper, J., eds (1996) ''The Social Science Encyclopedia''. 2nd edition. London: Routledge. It can be def ...
Aleppo )), is an adjective which means "white-colored mixed with black". , motto = , image_map = , mapsize = , map_caption = , image_map1 = ...
Syria Syria ( ar, سُورِيَا or سُورِيَة, translit=Sūriyā), officially the Syrian Arab Republic ( ar, الجمهورية العربية السورية, al-Jumhūrīyah al-ʻArabīyah as-Sūrīyah), is a Western Asian country loc ...
. It was rebuilt and renamed by az-Zahir Ghazi in 1212 in became the most important northern gate of the city. The structure was partially modified during Ottoman times and its role affected by mid-20th-century French urban planners. The gate received "moderate" damage during the Syrian civil war and restored by local committee in 2018.

Further reading

* * Bab al-Nasr urban extra mura
context and description
*Bab al-Nasr, Northern Gate of the Walled City
of Greek Funerary Inscription drawing
Rebuilding Aleppo: Life beyond Syria's civil war
*Reopening even
on damage to Bab al-Nasr (p. 110-113) *


Ayyubid architecture in Syria Ziyarat Nasr {{Syria-struct-stub