

Atyidae is a
family Family (from la, familia) is a group of people related either by consanguinity (by recognized birth) or affinity (by marriage or other relationship). The purpose of the family is to maintain the well-being of its members and of society. Idea ...
shrimp Shrimp are crustaceans (a form of shellfish) with elongated bodies and a primarily swimming mode of locomotion – most commonly Caridea and Dendrobranchiata of the decapod order, although some crustaceans outside of this order are refer ...
, present in all
tropical The tropics are the regions of Earth surrounding the Equator. They are defined in latitude by the Tropic of Cancer in the Northern Hemisphere at N and the Tropic of Capricorn in the Southern Hemisphere at S. The tropics are also referred to ...
and most
temperate In geography, the temperate climates of Earth occur in the middle latitudes (23.5° to 66.5° N/S of Equator), which span between the tropics and the polar regions of Earth. These zones generally have wider temperature ranges throughout t ...
waters of the world. Adults of this family are almost always confined to fresh water. This is the only family in the superfamily Atyoidea.

Genera and species

The following classification follows De Grave ''et al.'' (2010), with subsequent additions. *'' Antecaridina'' Edmondson, 1954 *'' Archaeatya'' Villalobos, 1959 *'' Atya'' Leach, 1816 *'' Atyaephyra'' de Brito Capello, 1867 *'' Atydina'' Cai, 2010 *'' Atyella'' Calman, 1906 *'' Atyoida'' Randall, 1840 *'' Atyopsis'' Chace, 1983 *'' Australatya'' Chace, 1983 *'' Caridella'' Calman, 1906 *'' Caridina'' H. Milne-Edwards, 1837 *'' Caridinides'' Calman, 1926 *'' Caridinopsis'' Bouvier, 1912 *'' Delclosia'' Rabadà, 1993 † *'' Dugastella'' Bouvier, 1912 *'' Edoneus'' Holthuis, 1978 *'' Elephantis'' Castelin, Marquet & Klotz, 2013 *'' Gallocaris'' Sket & Zakšek, 2009 *'' Halocaridina'' Holthuis, 1963 *'' Halocaridinides'' Fujino & Shokita, 1975 *'' Jolivetya'' Cals, 1986 *''
Jonga The Jonga was a Nissan designed vehicle formerly used by the Indian Army. Jonga was an acronym for Jabalpur Ordnance aNd Guncarriage Assembly, manufactured by the Vehicle Factory Jabalpur. They were produced for the Indian Army under an exclusiv ...
'' Hart, 1961 *'' Lancaris'' Cai & Bahir, 2005 *'' Limnocaridella'' Bouvier, 1913 *'' Limnocaridina'' Calman, 1899 *'' Mancicaris'' Liang, Z. L. Guo & Tang, 1999 *'' Marosina'' Cai & Ng, 2005 *'' Micratya'' Bouvier, 1913 *'' Monsamnis'' Richard, De Grave & Clark, 2012 *'' Neocaridina'' Kubo, 1938 *'' Palaemonias'' Hay, 1902 *'' Paracaridina'' Liang, Z. L. Guo & Tang, 1999 *'' Paratya'' Miers, 1882 *'' Parisia'' Holthuis, 1956 *'' Potimirim'' Holthuis, 1954 *'' Puteonator'' Gurney, 1987 *'' Pycneus'' Holthuis, 1986 *'' Pycnisia'' Bruce, 1992 *'' Sinodina'' Liang & Cai, 1999 *'' Stygiocaris'' Holthuis, 1960 *'' Syncaris'' Holmes, 1900 *'' Troglocaris'' Dormitzer, 1853 *''
Typhlatya ''Typhlatya'' is a genus of shrimp in the family Atyidae. These are small, stygobitic shrimp found in the West Mediterranean region (France and Spain), Caribbean region (the Antilles, Bahamas and Yucatán), Ascension Island and the Galápagos ...
'' Creaser, 1936 *'' Typhlocaridina'' Liang & Yan, 1981 *'' Typhlopatsa'' Holthuis, 1956


External links

* * Caridea Taxa named by Wilhem de Haan Decapod families {{Caridea-stub