Arboretum De Calmels



The Arboretum de Calmels is a small
arboretum An arboretum (plural: arboreta) in a general sense is a botanical collection composed exclusively of trees of a variety of species. Originally mostly created as a section in a larger garden or park for specimens of mostly non-local species, man ...
located on the grounds of the 19th-century Château de Calmels in
Lacaune Lacaune (; , meaning ''the cave'') is a commune in the Tarn department Department may refer to: * Departmentalization, division of a larger organization into parts with specific responsibility Government and military *Department (administra ...
, Tarn, Midi-Pyrénées, France. It contains regional trees such as ''
Aesculus hippocastanum ''Aesculus hippocastanum'', the horse chestnut, is a species of flowering plant in the maple, soapberry and lychee family Sapindaceae. It is a large, deciduous, synoecious (hermaphroditic-flowered) tree. It is also called horse-chestnut, Europ ...
'', '' Juglans regia'', and ''
Pinus strobus ''Pinus strobus'', commonly called the eastern white pine, northern white pine, white pine, Weymouth pine (British), and soft pine is a large pine native to eastern North America. It occurs from Newfoundland, Canada west through the Great Lake ...
'', as well as exotics including '' Larix leptolepis'' and '' Sequoiadendron''.

See also

* List of botanical gardens in France


Château de Calmels

* ttp:// Gralon entry (French)
Tourisme Tarn: "dans la nature, en forêt", page 26 (French)
Calmels, Arboretum de Calmels, Arboretum de {{France-garden-stub