''Appiness'' is a Canadian comedy film written, directed and produced by Eli Batalion. The film stars Eli Batalion as Eric Newman, who, upon being laid off from his stuffy corporate job, starts to pursue tech entrepreneurial start-up dreams with long-lost high school friend Raj Patel (Varun Saranga). The film premiered on the festival circuit in 2018, with its domestic premiere at the
Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma in 2019.
''Appiness'' was released by distributor Gravitas Ventures in early 2020.
* Eli Batalion as Eric
Varun Saranga as Raj
* Amber Goldfarb as Jeanine
* Kathleen Stavert as Nila
* Derek Johns as Jack
Jayne Heitmeyer as Sierra
* Mike Paterson as Schlein
* Larry Day as Jeffrey
Daniel Brochu as Chet
External links
* {{Official website, http://appiness.me
2018 films
2018 comedy films
Canadian comedy films
English-language Canadian films
2010s English-language films
2010s Canadian films