

Anteros Coachworks Inc. is an American
sports car A sports car is a car designed with an emphasis on dynamic performance, such as handling, acceleration, top speed, the thrill of driving and racing capability. Sports cars originated in Europe in the early 1900s and are currently produced by ...
manufacturer based in
California California is a state in the Western United States, located along the Pacific Coast. With nearly 39.2million residents across a total area of approximately , it is the most populous U.S. state and the 3rd largest by area. It is also the ...
. The Anteros is based on the C6 Corvette and produces 500+ supercharged horsepower.Automotive Art & Design


Car manufacturers of the United States Motor vehicle manufacturers based in California Manufacturing companies based in San Jose, California 2005 establishments in California American companies established in 2005 Vehicle manufacturing companies established in 2005 Sports car manufacturers {{US-company-stub