Anselmo Citterio



Anselmo Citterio (19 May 1927 – 2 October 2006) was an Italian
cyclist Cycling, also, when on a two-wheeled bicycle, called bicycling or biking, is the use of cycles for transport, recreation, exercise or sport. People engaged in cycling are referred to as "cyclists", "bicyclists", or "bikers". Apart from two ...
. He was born in the
Desio Desio ( lmo, label= Brianzoeu, Des) is a town and in the Province of Monza and Brianza, Italy. History In 1277 it was the location of the battle between the Visconti and della Torre families for the rule of Milan. On 24 February 1924, Desio rec ...
. He won a silver medal in
team pursuit The team pursuit is a track cycling event similar to the individual pursuit, except that two teams, each of up to four riders, compete, starting on opposite sides of the velodrome. Race format Both men's and women's events are competed over ...
at the 1948 Summer Olympics in
London London is the capital and List of urban areas in the United Kingdom, largest city of England and the United Kingdom, with a population of just under 9 million. It stands on the River Thames in south-east England at the head of a estuary dow ...
, together with
Rino Pucci Rino Pucci (29 January 1922 – 10 December 1986) was an Italian cyclist. He was born in Pistoia. He won a silver medal in team pursuit at the 1948 Summer Olympics in London London is the capital and List of urban areas in the Unite ...
, Arnaldo Benfenati and Guido Bernardi.


External links

* * 1927 births 2006 deaths People from Desio Italian male cyclists Cyclists at the 1948 Summer Olympics Olympic cyclists for Italy Olympic silver medalists for Italy Olympic medalists in cycling Medalists at the 1948 Summer Olympics Cyclists from the Province of Monza e Brianza {{Italy-cycling-Olympic-medalist-stub