Princess Anna Paulina Jabłonowska (22 June 1728, Wołpa - 7 February 1800,
Ostroróg (german: Scharfenort) is a town in Szamotuły County, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland, with 1,993 inhabitants (2004).
Ostroróg was first mentioned in 1383. It was granted town rights before 1412. There was a hospital in t ...
coat of arms), was a Polish magnate and politician. She was known for her remarkable activity on her estates, in which she introduced social inventions as well as industry. She was also known for her scientific interests, and possessed a naturalist collection famed in contemporary Europe. She has been referred to as one of the most significant women of 18th-century Poland.
Princess Anna Jabłonowska was the daughter of Prince Kazimierz Leon
The House of Sapieha (; be, Сапега, ''Sapieha''; lt, Sapiega) is a Polish-Lithuanian noble and magnate family of Lithuanian and Ruthenian origin,Энцыклапедыя ВКЛ. Т.2, арт. "Сапегі" descending from the medie ...
and Princess Karolina Teresa
Radziwill. In 1750, she married Prince Jan Kajetan
Jabłonowski (1699-1764), governor of Bracławski.
Political activity
After having been widowed in 1764, Anna Jabłonowska actively engaged in Polish politics. She belonged to the opposition of king Stanisław August Poniatowski and supported the
Bar Confederation
The Bar Confederation ( pl, Konfederacja barska; 1768–1772) was an association of Polish nobles ( szlachta) formed at the fortress of Bar in Podolia (now part of Ukraine) in 1768 to defend the internal and external independence of the Polis ...
(1768-1772) at the courts of
en, Viennese
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Paris () is the capital and most populous city of France, with an estimated population of 2,165,423 residents in 2019 in an area of more than 105 km² (41 sq mi), making it the 30th most densely populated city in the world in 2020. ...
, where she travelled in 1769 to act as an informal diplomat, returning to Poland in 1771. After the failure of the Bar Confederation, however, she acknowledged its defeat, reconciled with the king and retired from political life to concentrate on her domains.
Social action and entrepreneurship
Anna Jabłonowska devoted herself to managing her domains as a magnate. She followed a policy of social action to improve the life of the population in the cities and villages on her estates. She abolished
Socage () was one of the feudal duties and land tenure forms in the English feudal system. It eventually evolved into the freehold tenure called "free and common socage", which did not involve feudal duties. Farmers held land in exchange for cle ...
in favour of
Quit rent, quit-rent, or quitrent is a tax or land tax imposed on occupants of freehold or leased land in lieu of services to a higher landowning authority, usually a government or its assigns.
Under feudal law, the payment of quit rent (Latin ...
for the peasants and other tenants, built hospitals and founded textile and other factories. Because of her concern for efficient management in her vast domains, she developed a system of procedures to clarify the duties of officials employed in
Siemiatycze ( uk, Сім'ятичі ''Simiatychi'', be, Сямятычы ''Siamiatyčy'') is a town in eastern Poland, with 15,209 inhabitants (2004). It is situated in the Podlaskie Voivodeship (since 1999); previously it was in Białystok Voi ...
Kock is a town in eastern Poland, about north of Lublin and south-east of Warsaw. It lies in Lublin Voivodeship, in Lubartów County. It is the capital of the administrative district Gmina Kock. Historically Kock belongs to the Polish provinc ...
She was particularly interested in developing the cities of
Podlachia, or Podlasie, ( pl, Podlasie, , be, Падляшша, translit=Padliašša, uk, Підляшшя, translit=Pidliashshia) is a historical region in the north-eastern part of Poland. Between 1513 and 1795 it was a voivodeship with the ...
Volhynia (also spelled Volynia) ( ; uk, Воли́нь, Volyn' pl, Wołyń, russian: Волы́нь, Volýnʹ, ), is a historic region in Central and Eastern Europe, between south-eastern Poland, south-western Belarus, and western Ukraine. The ...
, Siemiatycze and Kock.
In Siemiatycze, she founded a government building, a printing press, a
Midwifery is the health science and health profession that deals with pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period (including care of the newborn), in addition to the sexual and reproductive health of women throughout their lives. In many cou ...
school and factories, making Siemiatycze a regional trading
and industrial center. She also introduced a type of ''loan fund'' for peasants.
Scientific activity
In Kock, she rebuilt the existing palace to an impressive residence, which she made in to a center of science. Known for her interest in science, Anna Jabłonowska invited foreign scientists to Kock, which became famous in contemporary Europe for her library and naturalist collection, referred to as one of the best in Europe.
* ''Ustawy powszechne dla dóbr moich rządców'', t. 1–7, Siemiatycze 1783–1785; wyd. następne: t. 1–8, Warszawa 1786 (2 wydania)
* ''Porządek robót miesięcznych ogrodnika na cały rok wypisany i na miesiące podzielony'', Siemiatycze 1786; wyd. następne: wyd. 2 Warszawa 1787; wyd. 3, 1792
* ''Księga ekonomiczna na trzy części podzielona'', rękopis: Ossolineum, sygn. 3705/III
* ''Physiologia albo krótko zebrane lekcje elementarne o naturze i własnościach duszy'', Siemiatycze 1786; wyd. 2 ze zmienioną w części egzemplarzy kartą tytułową: ''Psychologia...'', Warszawa 1786, (autorstwo przekładu przypisuje jej Estreicher)
* Do J. A. Jabłonowskiego z roku 1762, rękopis: Biblioteka Czartoryskich, sygn. 1136
* Korespondencja z J. A. Jabłonowskim z lat 1763–1764, rękopis: Biblioteka Czartoryskich, sygn. 1153
* Do Stanisława Augusta z lat 1764–1780, rękopis: Biblioteka Czartoryskich, sygn. 665
* Listy z okresu konfederacji barskiej w zbiorze A. Krasińskiego, rękopis: Biblioteka Czartoryskich, sygn. 948
* Do J. A. Jabłonowskiego z roku 1771, rękopis: Biblioteka Czartoryskich, sygn. 1156
* Do Stanisława Augusta 2 listy z lat: 1770, 1792; rękopis: Biblioteka Czartoryskich, sygn. 727
* Do J. A. Jabłonowskiego (przed rokiem 1777), rękopis: Biblioteka Czartoryskich, sygn. 845
* Do Stanisława Augusta 9 listów z lat: 1780–1784; rękopis: Biblioteka Czartoryskich, sygn. 666
* Do Stanisława Augusta 3 listy z lat: 1780–1786 oraz dokumenty urzędowe; rękopis: Biblioteka Czartoryskich, sygn. 697
* Do Stanisława Augusta 2 listy z lat: 1786–1787; rękopis: Biblioteka Czartoryskich, sygn. 699
* Do Stanisława Augusta 3 listy z lat: 1787–1792; rękopis: Biblioteka Czartoryskich, sygn. 732
* Do Stanisława Augusta z roku 1792, rękopis: Biblioteka Czartoryskich, sygn. 922
* Listy w zbiorze A. z Potockich Branickiej, rękopis: Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych (Archiwum Wilanowskie)
* Korespondencja w zbiorach byłego Ossolineum Lwowskiego (Archiwum Sapiehów, teka 32)
* ''Ustawy dla mego rządcy'', rękopis: Biblioteka Czartoryskich, sygn. 1508
* Akta i różne materiały, rękopisy: Ossolineum, sygn.: 5429/III, 5772/II
* Janina Bergerówna: Księżna pani na Kocku i Siemiatyczach . Lwów: 1936, s. 38–40.
{{DEFAULTSORT:Jablonowska, Anna
18th-century Polish women
1800 deaths
1728 births
People from Vawkavysk District
People from Nowogródek Voivodeship (1507–1795)
Polish collectors
Polish naturalists
18th-century Polish–Lithuanian businesspeople
Polish philanthropists
18th-century philanthropists
18th-century Polish–Lithuanian writers
18th-century Polish–Lithuanian politicians
Bar confederates
18th-century Polish–Lithuanian women writers
Polish industrialists
18th-century businesswomen
18th-century Lithuanian women
Polish patrons of the arts
18th-century Polish–Lithuanian landowners
18th-century women politicians
18th-century Polish nobility