

Anisometropia refers to a condition when two
eye Eyes are organs of the visual system. They provide living organisms with vision, the ability to receive and process visual detail, as well as enabling several photo response functions that are independent of vision. Eyes detect light and conv ...
s have unequal refractive power. Generally, a difference in power of one
diopter A dioptre (British spelling) or diopter (American spelling) is a unit of measurement with dimension of reciprocal length, equivalent to one reciprocal metre, 1 dioptre = 1 m−1. It is normally used to express the optical power of a lens or curv ...
(1D) or more is the accepted threshold to label the condition anisometropia. Patients can tolerate 3 D of anisometropia before it becomes clinically symptomatic with headaches, asthenopia, double vision and photophobia. In certain types of anisometropia, the visual cortex of the brain will not process images from both eyes together ( binocular summation), and will instead suppress the central vision of one of the eyes. If this occurs often enough during the first 10 years of life while the visual cortex is developing, it can result in
amblyopia Amblyopia, also called lazy eye, is a disorder of sight in which the brain fails to fully process input from one eye and over time favors the other eye. It results in decreased vision in an eye that typically appears normal in other aspects. Amb ...
, a condition where even when correcting the refractive error properly, the person's vision in the affected eye is still not correctable to 20/20. The name is from four
Greek Greek may refer to: Greece Anything of, from, or related to Greece, a country in Southern Europe: *Greeks, an ethnic group. *Greek language, a branch of the Indo-European language family. **Proto-Greek language, the assumed last common ancestor ...
components: ''an-'' "not," ''iso-'' "same," ''metr-'' "measure," ''ops'' "eye." Antimetropia is a rare sub-type of anisometropia, in which one eye is myopic (nearsighted) and the other eye is hyperopic (farsighted). Around 0.1% of the population may be antimetropic.


Anisometropia is caused by common refractive errors, such as
astigmatism Astigmatism is a type of refractive error due to rotational asymmetry in the eye's refractive power. This results in distorted or blurred vision at any distance. Other symptoms can include eyestrain, headaches, and trouble driving at ni ...
far-sightedness Far-sightedness, also known as long-sightedness, hypermetropia, or hyperopia, is a condition of the eye where distant objects are seen clearly but near objects appear blurred. This blurred effect is due to incoming light being focused behind, in ...
, and
myopia Near-sightedness, also known as myopia and short-sightedness, is an eye disease where light focuses in front of, instead of on, the retina. As a result, distant objects appear blurry while close objects appear normal. Other symptoms may include ...
, in one eye. Anisometropia is likely the result of both genetic and environmental influences. Some studies suggest, in older adults, developing asymmetric cataracts may cause worsen anisometropia. However, anisometropia is associated with age regardless of cataract development: a rapid decrease in anisometropia during the first years of life, an increase during the transition to adulthood, relatively unchanging levels during adulthood but significant increases in older age.


Anisometropia causes some people to have mild vision problems, or occasionally more serious symptoms like alternating vision or frequent squinting. However, since most people do not show any clear symptoms, the condition usually is found during a routine eye exam. For early detection in preverbal children, photoscreening can be used. In this brief vision test specialized cameras detect each eye's light reflexes, which the equipment's software or a test administrator then interprets. If photoscreening indicates the presence of risk factors, an ophthalmologist can then diagnose the condition after a complete eye exam, including dilating the pupils and measuring the focusing power of each eye.


Spectacle correction

For those with large degrees of anisometropia, the wearing of standard spectacles may cause the person to experience a difference in image magnification between the two eyes ( aniseikonia) which could also prevent the development of good binocular vision. This can make it very difficult to wear glasses without symptoms such as headaches and eyestrain. However, the earlier the condition is treated, the easier it is to adjust to glasses. It is possible for spectacle lenses to be made which can adjust the image sizes presented to the eye to be approximately equal. These are called iseikonic lenses. In practice though, this is rarely ever done. The formula for iseikonic lenses (without cylinder) is: : \textrm = \frac\cdot \frac where:
''t'' = center thickness (in metres);
''n'' = refractive index;
''P'' = front base curve (in 1/metres);
''h'' = vertex distance (in metres);
''F'' = back vertex power (in 1/metres), (essentially, the prescription for the lens, quoted in
diopter A dioptre (British spelling) or diopter (American spelling) is a unit of measurement with dimension of reciprocal length, equivalent to one reciprocal metre, 1 dioptre = 1 m−1. It is normally used to express the optical power of a lens or curv ...
s). If the difference between the eyes is up to 3 diopters, iseikonic lenses can compensate. At a difference of 3 diopters the lenses would however be very visibly different — one lens would need to be at least 3 mm thicker and have a base curve increased by 7.5 spheres.


Consider a pair of spectacles to correct for myopia with a prescription of −1.00 m−1 in one eye and −4.00 m−1 in the other. Suppose that for both eyes the other parameters are identical, namely ''t'' = 1 mm = 0.001 m, ''n'' = 1.6, ''P'' = 5 m−1, and ''h'' = 15 mm = 0.015 m.
Then for the first eye \textrm = \frac\cdot \frac = 1.0031 \times 0.9852 = 0.9883 = 98.83\,\%,
while for the second eye \textrm = \frac\cdot \frac = 1.0031 \times 0.9434 = 0.9464 = 94.64\,\%. Thus, in the first eye the size of the image formed on the retina will be 1.17% smaller than without spectacles (although it will be sharp, rather than blurry), whilst in the second eye the image formed on the retina will be 5.36% smaller. As alluded to above, one method of producing more iseikonic lenses would be to adjust the thickness and base curve of the second lens. For instance, theoretically it could be set to ''t'' = 5 mm = 0.005 m and ''P'' = 14.5 m−1, with all other parameters unchanged. Then for the second eye the magnification would become \textrm = \frac\cdot \frac = 1.0475 \times 0.9434 = 0.9882 = 98.82\,\%,
which is much closer to that of the first eye. In this example the first eye, with a −1.00 diopter prescription, is the stronger eye, needing only slight correction to sharpen the image formed, and hence a thin spectacle lens. The second eye, with a −4.00 diopter prescription, is the weaker eye, needing moderate correction to sharpen the image formed, and hence a moderately thick spectacle lens — if the aniseikonia is ignored. In order to avoid the aniseikonia (so that both magnifications will be practically the same, while retaining image sharpness in both eyes), the spectacle lens used for the second eye will have to be made even thicker.

Contact lenses

The usual recommendation for those needing iseikonic correction is to wear
contact lens Contact lenses, or simply contacts, are thin lenses placed directly on the surface of the eyes. Contact lenses are ocular prosthetic devices used by over 150 million people worldwide, and they can be worn to correct vision or for cosmetic ...
es. The effect of vertex distance is removed and the effect of center thickness is also almost removed, meaning there is minimal and likely unnoticeable image size difference. This is a good solution for those who can tolerate contact lenses.

Refractive surgery

Refractive surgery causes only minimal size differences, similar to contact lenses. In a study performed on 53 children who had
amblyopia Amblyopia, also called lazy eye, is a disorder of sight in which the brain fails to fully process input from one eye and over time favors the other eye. It results in decreased vision in an eye that typically appears normal in other aspects. Amb ...
due to anisometropia, surgical correction of the anisometropia followed by strabismus surgery if required led to improved
visual acuity Visual acuity (VA) commonly refers to the clarity of vision, but technically rates an examinee's ability to recognize small details with precision. Visual acuity is dependent on optical and neural factors, i.e. (1) the sharpness of the retinal ...
and even to
stereopsis Stereopsis () is the component of depth perception retrieved through binocular vision. Stereopsis is not the only contributor to depth perception, but it is a major one. Binocular vision happens because each eye receives a different image becaus ...
in many of the children (''see:''
Refractive surgery Refractive eye surgery is optional eye surgery used to improve the refractive state of the eye and decrease or eliminate dependency on glasses or contact lenses. This can include various methods of surgical remodeling of the cornea ( keratomil ...


A determination of the prevalence of anisometropia has several difficulties. First of all, the measurement of refractive error may vary from one measurement to the next. Secondly, different criteria have been employed to define anisometropia, and the boundary between anisometropia and isometropia depend on their definition. Several studies have found that anisometropia occurs more frequently and tends to be more severe for persons with high ametropia, and that this is particularly true for myopes. Anisometropia follows a U-shape distribution according to age: it is frequent in infants aged only a few weeks, is more rare in young children, comparatively more frequent in teenagers and young adults, and more prevalent after
presbyopia Presbyopia is physiological insufficiency of accommodation associated with the aging of the eye that results in progressively worsening ability to focus clearly on close objects. Also known as age-related farsightedness (or age-related long sig ...
sets in, progressively increasing into old age. One study estimated that 6% of those between the ages of 6 and 18 have anisometropia. Notwithstanding research performed on the biomechanical, structural and optical characteristics of anisometropic eyes, the underlying reasons for anisometropia are still poorly understood. Anisometropic persons who have
strabismus Strabismus is a vision disorder in which the eyes do not properly align with each other when looking at an object. The eye that is focused on an object can alternate. The condition may be present occasionally or constantly. If present during a ...
are mostly far-sighted, and almost all of these have (or have had) esotropia. However, there are indications that anisometropia influences the long-term outcome of a surgical correction of an inward squint, and vice versa. More specifically, for patients with esotropia who undergo strabismus surgery, anisometropia may be one of the risk factors for developing consecutive exotropia and poor binocular function may be a risk factor for anisometropia to develop or increase.


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{{Eye pathology Disorders of ocular muscles, binocular movement, accommodation and refraction