

Andrzej Gryfita was the
Bishop of Płock A bishop is an ordained clergy member who is entrusted with a position of authority and oversight in a religious institution. In Christianity, bishops are normally responsible for the governance of dioceses. The role or office of bishop i ...
in Poland from 1239 until his death in 1244 AD. He was also known as Andrzej of Brzeźnica.


He was brother of Klemens of Brzeźnica.


He was elected Bishop in 1239 with the support of Bolesław, Duke of Masovia. As bishop he gained privileges from the Duke. He advocated for missions into Prussia and made grants to the Church in Zambskach. Gryfita died on 7 January 1244. He was last mentioned in a document dated 4 August 1243, which was part of an ongoing legal action.Codex diplomaticus Poloniae. Bartoszewicz, Warszawa 1858.


Bishops of Płock Year of birth unknown 13th-century births 1244 deaths 13th-century Roman Catholic bishops in Poland Gryfici (Świebodzice) {{Poland-bishop-stub