''Anatella'' is a genus of
Flies are insects of the Order (biology), order Diptera, the name being derived from the Ancient Greek, Greek δι- ''di-'' "two", and πτερόν ''pteron'' "wing". Insects of this order use only a single pair of wings to fly, the hindwing ...
belonging to the family
The Mycetophilidae are a family of small flies, forming the bulk of those species known as fungus gnats. About 3000 described species are placed in 150 genera, but the true number of species is undoubtedly much higher. They are generally found ...
The genus was
first described by
Johannes Winnertz
Johannes Winnertz (11 February 1800 – 24 July 1890) was a German entomologist specialising in Diptera.
He was a dealer in Krefeld.
* ''Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Gattung Ceratopogon Meigen''. 1852
* ''Beitrag zu einer Monographie der Ga ...
in 1863.
The species of this genus are found in
Eurasia (, ) is the largest continental area on Earth, comprising all of Europe and Asia. Primarily in the Northern and Eastern Hemispheres, it spans from the British Isles and the Iberian Peninsula in the west to the Japanese archipelag ...
Northern America
Northern America is the northernmost subregion of North America. The boundaries may be drawn slightly differently. In one definition, it lies directly north of Middle America (including the Caribbean and Central America).Gonzalez, Joseph. ...
* ''
Anatella affinis''
Fisher, 1938
* ''
Anatella alpina''
Plassmann, 1977
* ''
Anatella altaica''
Zaitzev, 1989
* ''
Anatella aquila''
Zaitzev, 1989
* ''
Anatella arnaudi''
Zaitzev, 2000
* ''
Anatella atlanticiliata''
Chandler & Ribeiro, 1995
* ''
Anatella bremia''
Chandler, 1994
* ''
Anatella brevifurca''
Strobl, 1901
* ''
Anatella ciliata
''Anatella'' is a genus of flies belonging to the family Mycetophilidae.
The genus was species description, first described by Johannes Winnertz in 1863.
The species of this genus are found in Eurasia and Northern America.
* ''Anatel ...
Winnertz, 1863
* ''
Anatella clavata''
Ostroverkhova, 1979
* ''
Anatella coheri''
Wu & Yang, 1995
* ''
Anatella concava
''Anatella'' is a genus of flies belonging to the family Mycetophilidae.
The genus was first described by Johannes Winnertz in 1863.
The species of this genus are found in Eurasia and Northern America.
* '' Anatella affinis'' Fisher ...
Plassmann, 1990
* ''
Anatella crispa''
Zaitzev, 1994
* ''
Anatella damfi''
Landrock, 1924
* ''
Anatella dentata''
Zaitzev, 1989
* ''
Anatella difficilis''
Garrett, 1925
* ''
Anatella digitata''
Zaitzev, 1989
* ''
Anatella dissecta''
Ostroverkhova, 1979
* ''
Anatella emergens''
Caspers, 1987
* ''
Anatella flavicauda
''Anatella'' is a genus of flies belonging to the family Mycetophilidae.
The genus was first described by Johannes Winnertz in 1863.
The species of this genus are found in Eurasia and Northern America.
* '' Anatella affinis'' Fisher ...
Winnertz, 1863
* ''
Anatella flavomaculata
''Anatella'' is a genus of flies belonging to the family Mycetophilidae.
The genus was first described by Johannes Winnertz in 1863.
The species of this genus are found in Eurasia and Northern America.
* '' Anatella affinis'' Fisher ...
Edwards, 1925
* ''
Anatella fungina
''Anatella'' is a genus of flies belonging to the family Mycetophilidae.
The genus was first described by Johannes Winnertz in 1863.
The species of this genus are found in Eurasia and Northern America.
* '' Anatella affinis'' Fisher ...
Plassmann, 1984
* ''
Anatella gibba
''Anatella'' is a genus of flies belonging to the family Mycetophilidae.
The genus was first described by Johannes Winnertz in 1863.
The species of this genus are found in Eurasia and Northern America.
* '' Anatella affinis'' Fisher ...
Winnertz, 1863
* ''
Anatella laffooni
''Anatella'' is a genus of flies belonging to the family Mycetophilidae.
The genus was first described by Johannes Winnertz in 1863.
The species of this genus are found in Eurasia and Northern America.
* '' Anatella affinis'' Fisher ...
Plassmann, 1977
* ''
Anatella latilobata
''Anatella'' is a genus of flies belonging to the family Mycetophilidae.
The genus was first described by Johannes Winnertz in 1863.
The species of this genus are found in Eurasia and Northern America.
* '' Anatella affinis'' Fisher ...
Zaitzev, 1989
* ''
Anatella lenis''
Dziedzicki, 1923
* ''
Anatella longiflagellata''
Caspers, 1991
* ''
Anatella longisetosa''
Dziedzicki, 1923
* ''
Anatella maritima''
Ostroverkhova, 1979
* ''
Anatella mendosa''
Zaitzev, 2000
* ''
Anatella minutissima''
Ostroverkhova, 1979
* ''
Anatella nigriclava''
Strobl, 1895
* ''
Anatella novata''
Dziedzicki, 1923
* ''
Anatella orbiculata''
Ostroverkhova & Izotov, 1974
* ''
Anatella pseudogibba''
Plassmann, 1977
* ''
Anatella ramificata''
Zaitzev, 1989
* ''
Anatella rufithorax''
Strobl, 1895
* ''
Anatella scalaria''
Ostroverkhova, 1979
* ''
Anatella schmitzi''
Landrock, 1925
* ''
Anatella setigera''
Edwards, 1921
* ''
Anatella silvestris''
Johannsen, 1909
* ''
Anatella simpatica''
Dziedzicki, 1923
* ''
Anatella stimulea''
Plassmann, 1977
* ''
Anatella subulata''
Zaitzev, 1994
* ''
Anatella tungusica''
Ostroverkhova, 1979
* ''
Anatella turi''
Dziedzicki, 1923
* ''
Anatella umbraculiforma''
Ostroverkhova, 1974
* ''
Anatella unguigera''
Edwards, 1921
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