

Formerly in
Welsh law Welsh law ( cy, Cyfraith Cymru) is an autonomous part of the English law system composed of legislation made by the Senedd.Law Society of England and Wales (2019)England and Wales: A World Jurisdiction of Choice eport(Link accessed: 16 March 202 ...
, an amober, or amobyr, was a maiden-fee paid to a lord on the marriage of a maiden in his manor. The term is similar to the English feudal ''
merchet Merchet (also: -ett, -ete, -eit, -eat, -iett, -i(e)te, -iatte, mershet(e), marchet, -eit, market) () was a fine paid on a marriage during the Middle Ages in England. The word derives from the plural form of daughter, ''merched'', in old Welsh. Mer ...
''.Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade.
An Introduction to Late Modern English
'. Edinburgh University Press; 2009. . p. 55.

Ancient tenures of land in North Wales and the Marches
'. Printed for the Author; 1910. p. 201.


*"Amober". ''Oxford English Dictionary''. Oxford University Press. Second Edition 1989. Feudal duties Welsh law Legal history of Wales {{UK-law-stub