

Albert Kalthoff (5 March 1850,
Barmen Barmen is a former industrial metropolis of the region of Bergisches Land, Germany, which merged with four other towns in 1929 to form the city of Wuppertal. Barmen, together with the neighbouring town of Elberfeld founded the first elect ...
– 11 May 1906,
Bremen Bremen (Low German also: ''Breem'' or ''Bräm''), officially the City Municipality of Bremen (german: Stadtgemeinde Bremen, ), is the capital of the Germany, German States of Germany, state Bremen (state), Free Hanseatic City of Bremen (''Freie H ...
) was a German Protestant
theologian Theology is the systematic study of the nature of the divine and, more broadly, of religious belief. It is taught as an academic discipline, typically in universities and seminaries. It occupies itself with the unique content of analyzing th ...
, who along with Emil Felden (1874–1959), Oscar Mauritz (1867–1959), Moritz Schwalb (1833–1916) and Friedrich Steudel (1866–1939) formed a group in
Bremen Bremen (Low German also: ''Breem'' or ''Bräm''), officially the City Municipality of Bremen (german: Stadtgemeinde Bremen, ), is the capital of the Germany, German States of Germany, state Bremen (state), Free Hanseatic City of Bremen (''Freie H ...
, named the Deutscher Monistenbund (
German German(s) may refer to: * Germany (of or related to) **Germania (historical use) * Germans, citizens of Germany, people of German ancestry, or native speakers of the German language ** For citizens of Germany, see also German nationality law **Ger ...
Monists League), who no longer believed in Jesus as a
historical figure A historical figure is a significant person in history. The significance of such figures in human progress has been debated. Some think they play a crucial role, while others say they have little impact on the broad currents of thought and social ...


Kalthoff criticized what he regarded as the romanticist and sentimental image of Jesus as a "great personality" of history developed by German liberal theologians, including
Albert Schweitzer Ludwig Philipp Albert Schweitzer (; 14 January 1875 – 4 September 1965) was an Alsatian-German/French polymath. He was a theologian, organist, musicologist, writer, humanitarian, philosopher, and physician. A Lutheran minister, Schwei ...
who noted Kalthoff in his work '' The Quest of the Historical Jesus''. In Kalthoff's views, it was the early church that created the New Testament, not the reverse; the early Jesus movement was
socialist Socialism is a left-wing economic philosophy and movement encompassing a range of economic systems characterized by the dominance of social ownership of the means of production as opposed to private ownership. As a term, it describes the ...
, expecting a social reform and a better world, which was combined with the Jewish apocalyptic belief in a Messiah. Kalthoff saw Christianity as a social
psychosis Psychosis is a condition of the mind that results in difficulties determining what is real and what is not real. Symptoms may include delusions and hallucinations, among other features. Additional symptoms are incoherent speech and behavior ...
. (Per Arthur Drews, ''
The Denial of the Historicity of Jesus in Past and Present ''Die Leugnung der Geschichtlichkeit Jesu in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart'' (English: ''The Denial of the Historicity of Jesus in Past and Present'') was a 1926 book in German by Arthur Drews on Christ myth theory. The book is a historical revi ...
'' - see the section on Kalthoff) Arthur Drews was influenced by Kalthoff.
Bruno Bauer Bruno Bauer (; 6 September 180913 April 1882) was a German philosopher and theologian. As a student of G. W. F. Hegel, Bauer was a radical Rationalist in philosophy, politics and Biblical criticism. Bauer investigated the sources of the New Te ...
(1809–1882) was the first academic theologian posit the ahistoricity of Jesus. However his scholarship was buried by German academia, and he remained a pariah, until Albert Kalthoff rescued his works from neglect and obscurity. Kalthoff revived Bruno Bauer's Christ Myth thesis in his ''Das Christus-Problem. Grundlinien zu einer Sozialtheologie'' (''The Problem of Christ: Principles of a Social Theology'') and ''Die Entstehung des Christentums, Neue Beiträge zum Christusproblem'' (''The Rise of Christianity'').


* 1904: "Was There An Historical Jesus?", ''How Christianity arose: New contributions to the Christ-problem''
A Son of God, Lord of the World, born of a virgin, and rising again after death, and the son of a small builder with revolutionary notions, are two totally different beings. If one was the historical Jesus, the other certainly was not. The real question of the historicity of Jesus is not merely whether there ever was a Jesus among the numerous claimants of a Messiahship in Judea, but whether we are to recognise the historical character of this Jesus in the Gospels, and whether he is to be regarded as the founder of Christianity.


* ''Das Leben Jesu. Reden gehalten im protestantischen Reform-Verein zu Berlin,'' Berlin 1880. he life of Jesus: Lectures given to the Protestant Reform Club of Berlin* ''Das Christus-Problem. Grundlinien zu einer Sozialtheologie,'' Leipzig 1902. he Problem of Christ: Principles of a Social Theology* ''Die Entstehung des Christentums. Neue Beiträge zum Christusproblem,'' Leipzig 1904. transl
''The Rise of Christianity''
1907. * ''Was wissen wir von Jesus? Eine Abrechnung mit W. Bousset,'' Berlin 1904. hat do We Know of Jesus? A Settlement with Wilhelm Bousset">Wilhelm_Bousset.html" ;"title="hat do We Know of Jesus? A Settlement with Wilhelm Bousset">hat do We Know of Jesus? A Settlement with Wilhelm Bousset* ''Modernes Christentum,'' Berlin 1906. [Modern Christianity]


External links

* * Albert Kalthoff article. {{DEFAULTSORT:Kalthoff, Albert 1850 births 1906 deaths Writers from Wuppertal People from the Rhine Province German Calvinist and Reformed theologians German Progress Party politicians 19th-century German Protestant theologians 19th-century male writers Christ myth theory proponents German male non-fiction writers German Peace Society members Calvinist pacifists Clergy from Wuppertal