Akita Prefectural Library



opened in Akita,
Akita Prefecture is a prefecture of Japan located in the Tōhoku region of Honshu.Nussbaum, Louis-Frédéric. (2005). "Provinces and prefectures" in ; "Tōhoku" in . Its population is approximately 966,000 (as of 1 October 2019) and its geographic area is 1 ...
, Japan in 1899, and it is the one of the oldest libraries in the country. The facilities reopened in a new building in 1993. The collection numbers some 805,000 items in 2012.


Image:Akita Prefectural Library.jpg, Image:Akita Prefectural Library.png, Satellite view Image:Akita Prefectural Library3.jpg, Branch Image:Akita_Kenmin_Kaikan_Annex_Join'us.jpg, Former building

See also

* List of libraries in Japan *
Akita Prefectural Museum is a prefectural museum in the city of Akita, Japan. It houses a comprehensive display of archaeological artifacts, crafts, biological and geological samples pertaining to the history and folklore of Akita Prefecture. The museum opened in May ...


External links

Official site

Location map

{{Authority control 1899 establishments in Japan Buildings and structures in Akita (city) Libraries established in 1899 Libraries in Japan