

''Afterimage'' is a
crime novel Crime fiction, detective story, murder mystery, mystery novel, and police novel are terms used to describe narratives that centre on criminal acts and especially on the investigation, either by an amateur or a professional detective, of a crime, ...
by the American writer Kathleen George set in contemporary Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It tells the story of two murders, one of a woman and one of a child, that seem to be unrelated. Richard Christie, Head of Homicide, takes on the case, as in George's two previous novels in the series, but in this book a rookie female detective, Colleen Greer, is introduced as a key player.


''Contemporary Authors Online''. The Gale Group, 2006. PEN (Permanent Entry Number): 0000142340.

External links

Kathleen George website
2007 American novels American crime novels Novels set in Pittsburgh {{2000s-crime-novel-stub