Affine Gauge Theory



Affine gauge theory is classical gauge theory where gauge fields are affine connections on the tangent bundle over a smooth manifold X. For instance, these are gauge theory of
dislocation In materials science, a dislocation or Taylor's dislocation is a linear crystallographic defect or irregularity within a crystal structure that contains an abrupt change in the arrangement of atoms. The movement of dislocations allow atoms to sl ...
s in continuous media when X=\mathbb R^3, the generalization of
metric-affine gravitation theory In comparison with General Relativity, dynamic variables of metric-affine gravitation theory are both a pseudo-Riemannian metric and a general linear connection on a world manifold X. Metric-affine gravitation theory has been suggested as a na ...
when X is a
world manifold In gravitation , gravitation theory, a world manifold endowed with some Lorentzian manifold, Lorentzian pseudo-Riemannian manifold, pseudo-Riemannian metric and an associated space-time structure is a spacetime, space-time. Gravitation theory is f ...
and, in particular, gauge theory of the
fifth force In physics, there are four observed fundamental interactions (also known as fundamental forces) that form the basis of all known interactions in nature: gravitational, electromagnetic, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear forces. Some speculative the ...

Affine tangent bundle

Being a
vector bundle In mathematics, a vector bundle is a topological construction that makes precise the idea of a family of vector spaces parameterized by another space X (for example X could be a topological space, a manifold, or an algebraic variety): to every po ...
, the tangent bundle TX of an n-dimensional manifold X admits a natural structure of an
affine bundle In mathematics, an affine bundle is a fiber bundle whose typical fiber, fibers, trivialization morphisms and transition functions are affine.. (page 60) Formal definition Let \overline\pi:\overline Y\to X be a vector bundle with a typical fiber a ...
ATX, called the ''affine tangent bundle'', possessing bundle atlases with affine transition functions. It is associated to a principal bundle AFX of affine frames in tangent space over X, whose
structure group In mathematics, and particularly topology, a fiber bundle (or, in Commonwealth English: fibre bundle) is a space that is a product space, but may have a different topological structure. Specifically, the similarity between a space E and a ...
is a general affine group GA(n,\mathbb R). The tangent bundle TX is associated to a principal
linear frame bundle In mathematics, a frame bundle is a principal fiber bundle F(''E'') associated to any vector bundle ''E''. The fiber of F(''E'') over a point ''x'' is the set of all ordered bases, or ''frames'', for ''E'x''. The general linear group acts natur ...
FX, whose structure group is a general linear group GL(n,\mathbb R). This is a subgroup of GA(n,\mathbb R) so that the latter is a semidirect product of GL(n,\mathbb R) and a group T^n of translations. There is the canonical imbedding of FX to AFX onto a reduced principal subbundle which corresponds to the canonical structure of a vector bundle TX as the affine one. Given linear bundle coordinates : (x^\mu,\dot x^\mu), \qquad \dot x'^\mu=\frac\dot x^\nu, \qquad\qquad (1) on the tangent bundle TX, the affine tangent bundle can be provided with affine bundle coordinates : (x^\mu,\widetilde x^\mu=\dot x^\mu +a^\mu(x^\alpha)), \qquad \widetilde x'^\mu=\frac\widetilde x^\nu + b^\mu(x^\alpha). \qquad\qquad (2) and, in particular, with the linear coordinates (1).

Affine gauge fields

The affine tangent bundle ATX admits an affine connection A which is associated to a
principal connection In mathematics, and especially differential geometry and gauge theory, a connection is a device that defines a notion of parallel transport on the bundle; that is, a way to "connect" or identify fibers over nearby points. A principal ''G''-conne ...
on an affine frame bundle AFX. In affine gauge theory, it is treated as an ''affine gauge field''. Given the linear bundle coordinates (1) on ATX=TX, an affine connection A is represented by a connection tangent-valued form : A=dx^\lambda\otimes partial_\lambda + (\Gamma_\lambda^\mu_\nu(x^\alpha)\dot x^\nu+\sigma_\lambda^\mu(x^\alpha))\dot\partial_\mu\qquad \qquad (3) This affine connection defines a unique
linear connection In the mathematical field of differential geometry, the term linear connection can refer to either of the following overlapping concepts: * a connection on a vector bundle, often viewed as a differential operator (a ''Koszul connection'' or ''covari ...
: \Gamma =dx^\lambda\otimes partial_\lambda + \Gamma_\lambda^\mu_\nu(x^\alpha)\dot x^\nu\dot\partial_\mu\qquad\qquad (4) on TX, which is associated to a principal connection on FX. Conversely, every linear connection \Gamma (4) on TX\to X is extended to the affine one A\Gamma on ATX which is given by the same expression (4) as \Gamma with respect to the bundle coordinates (1) on ATX=TX, but it takes a form : A\Gamma =dx^\lambda\otimes partial_\lambda + (\Gamma_\lambda^\mu_\nu(x^\alpha)\widetilde x^\nu + s_\lambda^\mu(x^\alpha))\widetilde\partial_\mu \qquad s_\lambda^\mu = - \Gamma_\lambda^\mu_\nu a^\nu +\partial_\lambda a^\mu, relative to the affine coordinates (2). Then any affine connection A (3) on ATX\to X is represented by a sum : A=A\Gamma +\sigma \qquad\qquad (5) of the extended linear connection A\Gamma and a basic soldering form : \sigma=\sigma_\lambda^\mu(x^\alpha)dx^\lambda\otimes\partial_\mu \qquad\qquad (6) on TX, where \dot \partial_\mu= \partial_\mu due to the canonical isomorphism VATX=ATX\times_X TX of the vertical tangent bundle VATX of ATX. Relative to the linear coordinates (1), the sum (5) is brought into a sum A=\Gamma +\sigma of a linear connection \Gamma and the soldering form \sigma (6). In this case, the soldering form \sigma (6) often is treated as a ''translation gauge field'', though it is not a connection. Let us note that a true translation gauge field (i.e., an affine connection which yields a flat linear connection on TX) is well defined only on a
parallelizable manifold In mathematics, a differentiable manifold M of dimension ''n'' is called parallelizable if there exist smooth vector fields \ on the manifold, such that at every point p of M the tangent vectors \ provide a basis of the tangent space at p. Equiva ...

Gauge theory of dislocations

In field theory, one meets a problem of physical interpretation of translation gauge fields because there are no fields subject to gauge translations u(x) \to u(x) + a(x). At the same time, one observes such a field in gauge theory of dislocations in continuous media because, in the presence of dislocations, displacement vectors u^k, k = 1,2,3, of small deformations are determined only with accuracy to gauge translations u^k \to u^k + a^k(x). In this case, let X=\mathbb R^3, and let an affine connection take a form : A=dx^i\otimes(\partial_i + A^j_i(x^k)\widetilde\partial_j) with respect to the affine bundle coordinates (2). This is a translation gauge field whose coefficients A^j_l describe plastic distortion, covariant derivatives D_j u^i =\partial_ju^i- A^i_j coincide with elastic distortion, and a strength F^k_=\partial_j A^k_i - \partial_i A^k_j is a dislocation density. Equations of gauge theory of dislocations are derived from a gauge invariant Lagrangian density : L_ = \mu D_iu^kD^iu_k + \frac(D_iu^i)^2 - \epsilon F^k_F_k^, where \mu and \lambda are the Lamé parameters of isotropic media. These equations however are not independent since a displacement field u^k(x) can be removed by gauge translations and, thereby, it fails to be a dynamic variable.

Gauge theory of the fifth force

gauge gravitation theory In quantum field theory, gauge gravitation theory is the effort to extend Yang–Mills theory, which provides a universal description of the fundamental interactions, to describe gravity. ''Gauge gravitation theory'' should not be confused with th ...
on a world manifold X, one can consider an affine, but not linear connection on the tangent bundle TX of X. Given bundle coordinates (1) on TX, it takes the form (3) where the linear connection \Gamma (4) and the basic soldering form \sigma (6) are considered as independent variables. As was mentioned above, the soldering form \sigma (6) often is treated as a translation gauge field, though it is not a connection. On another side, one mistakenly identifies \sigma with a tetrad field. However, these are different mathematical object because a soldering form is a section of the tensor bundle TX\otimes T^*X, whereas a tetrad field is a local section of a Lorentz reduced subbundle of a frame bundle FX. In the spirit of the above-mentioned gauge theory of dislocations, it has been suggested that a soldering field \sigma can describe ''sui generi'' deformations of a world manifold X which are given by a bundle morphism : s: TX\ni \partial_\lambda\to \partial_\lambda\rfloor (\theta +\sigma) =(\delta_\lambda^\nu+ \sigma_\lambda^\nu)\partial_\nu\in TX, where \theta=dx^\mu\otimes \partial_\mu is a
tautological one-form In mathematics, the tautological one-form is a special 1-form defined on the cotangent bundle T^Q of a manifold Q. In physics, it is used to create a correspondence between the velocity of a point in a mechanical system and its momentum, thus p ...
. Then one considers metric-affine gravitation theory (g,\Gamma) on a deformed world manifold as that with a deformed pseudo-Riemannian metric \widetilde g^=s^\mu_\alpha s^\nu_\beta g^ when a Lagrangian of a soldering field \sigma takes a form : L_=\frac12 _1T^\mu_ T_\alpha^+ a_2T_T^+a_3T_T^ +a_4\epsilon^T^\gamma_ T_-\mu\sigma^\mu_\nu\sigma^\nu_\mu+ \lambda\sigma^\mu_\mu \sigma^\nu_\nusqrt , where \epsilon^ is the Levi-Civita symbol, and : T^\alpha_=D_\nu\sigma^\alpha_\mu -D_\mu\sigma^\alpha_\nu is the torsion of a linear connection \Gamma with respect to a soldering form \sigma. In particular, let us consider this gauge model in the case of small gravitational and soldering fields whose matter source is a point mass. Then one comes to a modified
Newtonian potential In mathematics, the Newtonian potential or Newton potential is an operator in vector calculus that acts as the inverse to the negative Laplacian, on functions that are smooth and decay rapidly enough at infinity. As such, it is a fundamental object ...
of the fifth force type.

See also

Connection (affine bundle) Let be an affine bundle modelled over a vector bundle . A connection on is called the affine connection if it as a section of the jet bundle of is an affine bundle morphism over . In particular, this is an affine connection on the tangent b ...
* Dislocations *
Fifth force In physics, there are four observed fundamental interactions (also known as fundamental forces) that form the basis of all known interactions in nature: gravitational, electromagnetic, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear forces. Some speculative the ...
Gauge gravitation theory In quantum field theory, gauge gravitation theory is the effort to extend Yang–Mills theory, which provides a universal description of the fundamental interactions, to describe gravity. ''Gauge gravitation theory'' should not be confused with th ...
Metric-affine gravitation theory In comparison with General Relativity, dynamic variables of metric-affine gravitation theory are both a pseudo-Riemannian metric and a general linear connection on a world manifold X. Metric-affine gravitation theory has been suggested as a na ...
Classical unified field theories Since the 19th century, some physicists, notably Albert Einstein, have attempted to develop a single theoretical framework that can account for all the fundamental forces of nature – a unified field theory. Classical unified field theories are at ...


* A. Kadic, D. Edelen, ''A Gauge Theory of Dislocations and Disclinations'', Lecture Notes in Physics 174 (Springer, New York, 1983), * G. Sardanashvily, O. Zakharov, ''Gauge Gravitation Theory'' (World Scientific, Singapore, 1992), * C. Malyshev, The dislocation stress functions from the double curl T(3)-gauge equations: Linearity and look beyond, ''Annals of Physics'' 286 (2000) 249.

External links

* G. Sardanashvily, Gravity as a Higgs field. III. Nongravitational deviations of gravitational field, {{arxiv, gr-qc/9411013. Gauge theories Theories of gravity