A simple ADM example follows: CLASS MACHINE CATEGORY "Wikipedia Apps" POLICY "Wikipedia" KEYNAME "Software\WikiSoft\Preferences" EXPLAIN "Configures WikiSoft Preferences" VALUENAME "SharingEnabled" VALUEON "Yes" VALUEOFF "No" END POLICY END CATEGORY A valid ADM file must have the following keywords: * Class - either MACHINE or USER * Category - Defines organizational structure of ADM and where it will be displayed in the GPEdit window. * Policy - Groups definitions into one node and configuration screen of the GPEdit tree Optional keywords used include: * Keyname - used to define whatADM files across different platforms
It is important to note that ADM files shipped with Microsoft operating systems include descriptions of policy settings for not just that platform but for all other platforms on which Group Policy is supported. For example, the Windows XP Service Pack 2 ADM files described policy settings not just for this platform but also forManaging ADM files
By default, ADM files are stored in each GPO, within Sysvol onExternal links