

An aditus is the opening to some interior space or cavity. It may refer to: *
Aditus to mastoid antrum The aditus to mastoid antrum (otomastoid foramen or entrance or aperture to the mastoid antrum) is a large irregular cavity that leads backward from the epitympanic recess into a considerable air space named the tympanic or mastoid antrum. The a ...
, in the ear * Laryngeal aditus, the opening that connects the pharynx and the larynx *
Omental foramen In human anatomy, the omental foramen (epiploic foramen, foramen of Winslow after the anatomist Jacob B. Winslow, or uncommonly aditus; la, Foramen epiploicum), is the passage of communication, or foramen, between the greater sac (general cavity ...
or aditus, in the abdomen {{disambiguation