


The AN/SPS-67 is a short-range, two-dimensional, surface-search/navigation radar system that provides highly accurate surface and limited low-flyer detection and tracking capabilities.


The AN/SPS-67 is a solid-state replacement for the AN/SPS-10 radar, using a more reliable antenna and incorporating standard electronic module technology for simpler repair and maintenance. The AN/SPS-67 provides excellent performance in rain and sea clutter, and is useful in harbor navigation, since the AN/SPS-67 is capable of detecting buoys and small obstructions without difficulty. The AN/SPS-67(V)1 radar is a two-dimensional (azimuth and range) pulsed radar set primarily designed for surface operations with a secondary capability of anti-ship-missile and low flier detection. The radar set operates in the 5450 to 5825 MHz range, using a coaxial magnetron as the transmitter output tube. The transmitter/receiver is capable of operation in several pulse width settings: a long (1.0 µs), medium (0.25 µs), or short (0.10 µs) pulse mode to enhance radar performance for specific operational or tactical situations. Pulse repetition frequencies (PRF) of 750,1200, and 2400 pulses/second are used for the long, medium, and short pulse modes, respectively. The higher PRF settings coupled with the shortest pulse increases the resolution of the return and enables the radar operator/observer to discern or differentiate between a single large target or 2 smaller targets in close proximity to each other.


*AN/SPS-67(V)1 – Replacement for AN/SPS-10 utilizing -10 antenna. *AN/SPS-67(V)2 – Improved linear-array antenna and increased bearing accuracy over original. *AN/SPS-67(V)3 – Used on Flight I s and includes digital automatic target detection (ATD),
track while scan The track while scan (TWS) is a mode of radar operation in which the radar allocates part of its power to tracking the target or targets while part of its power is allocated to scanning, unlike the straight tracking mode, when the radar directs all ...
(TWS) and
moving target indicator Moving target indication (MTI) is a mode of operation of a radar to discriminate a target against the clutter. It describes a variety of techniques used for finding moving objects, like an aircraft, and filter out unmoving ones, like hills or trees ...
(DMTI). *AN/SPS-67(V)4 – Uses a slotted waveguide-type antenna *AN/SPS-67(V)5 – Used on ''Arleigh Burke''-class destroyers Flights II and onwards. Compared to previous variants, it provides more modernized detection and tracking capabilities, can support gun engagements, and has improved performance in littoral environments.

See also

Electronics Technician Electronics technicians help design, develop, test, manufacture, install, and repair electrical and electronic equipment such as communication equipment, medical monitoring devices, navigational equipment, and computers. They may be employed i ...


External links

GlobalSecurity.org - AN/SPS-67
Sea radars Military electronics of the United States {{US-navy-stub