The Registrar General John Rickman conducted the first census of Great Britain's population, and was responsible for the ten-yearly reports published between 1801 and 1831. During the first 100 years of census-taking the population of England and Wales grew more than threefold, to around 32 million, and that of Scotland, where a separate census has been carried out since 1861, to about 4.5 million. From 1911 onwards rapid social change, scientific breakthroughs, and major world events affected the structure of the population. A fire that destroyed census records in 1931, and the declaration of war in 1939, made the 1951 census hugely significant in recording 30 years of change over one of the most turbulent periods in British history. The 1971 census was run by the newly created Office of Population Censuses and Surveys (OPCS), a body formed by the merger of the General Register Office and Government Social Survey. In 1996 the Office for National Statistics (ONS) was formed by merging the Central Statistical Office (CSO), OPCS and the statistics division of the Department of Employment; the first census it ran was in 2001. In 2008 the UK Statistics Authority was established as an independent body.Purpose
A population census is a key instrument for assessing the needs of local communities. When related to other data sources such as housing or agricultural censuses, or sample surveys, the data becomes even more useful. Most countries of the world take censuses: the United Nations recommends that countries take a census at least once every ten years. Twenty-one out of 40 countries in Europe are engaged in the 2010–2011 census round The design for the 2011 census reflected changes in society since 2001 and asked questions to help paint a detailed demographic picture of England and Wales, as it stood on census day, 27 March 2011. Data collected by the census is used to provide statistical outputs which central government uses to plan and allocate local authority services funding, and which local authorities themselves use to identify and meet the needs of their local communities. Other organisations that use census data include healthcare organisations, community groups, researchers and businesses. The questionnaires, including people's personal information, are kept confidential for 100 years before being released to the public, providing an important source of information for historical, demographic and genealogy research.2011 Census for England and Wales
The 2011 census for England and Wales included around 25 million households. Questionnaires were posted out to all households, using a national address register compiled by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) with the help of local authorities through comparisons of the National Land and Property Gazetteer (NLPG) and the Royal Mail and Ordnance Survey national address products. People could complete and submit their questionnaire online, or fill it in on paper and post it back in a pre-addressed envelope. Guidance was provided online and through the census helpline. Completed questionnaires were electronically tracked and field staff followed up with households that did not return a questionnaire. Special arrangements were made to count people living in communal establishments such as; boarding schools, prisons, military bases, hospitals, care homes, student halls of residence, hotels, royal apartments and embassies, as well as for particular communities; rough sleepers, travellers and those living on waterways. In these cases field staff delivered and collected questionnaires and, where needed, provided advice or assistance in completing the questionnaire. There was a legal requirement to complete the 2011 census questionnaire, under the terms of theProduction
Lockheed Martin UK, the UK arm of US-basedCosts and value for money
The total cost of the 2011 Census in England and Wales over the period from 2004/05 to 2015/16 is estimated to be £482 million. This is more than twice the £210m spent on the 2001 census. This breaks down to a cost of 87 pence per person, per year (over the life of the census – ten years). “The cost equates to about 87p a year per person, demonstrating excellent value for money. The per capita costs in the UK are less than for many other European countries that carry out similar censuses. In summary, this census will meet crucial requirements for statistical information that Government and others cannot do without.” Minister of State, Cabinet Office ( Angela E. Smith). Both the main UK political parties had expressed concerns about the rising costs and value of a ten-yearly census, and on coming into office the UK coalition government had gone as far as suggesting that the 2011 census might be the last of its kind. In July 2010 the UK government asked ONS to explore other methods of measuring the population. In 2011 the three national statistics bodies, ONS, GROS and NISRA set up a co-ordinated research project known asChanges from 2001 census
The general style of the questionnaire was similar to that of the 2001 census. A rehearsal questionnaire was released in 2009. Several new identity and status options were included for the first time. Other changes for 2011 included: * An option to complete the form online. * The 2011 census questionnaire included 56 questions in total. * It asked immigrants their date of arrival and how long they intended to stay in the UK.Turner, Lauren (11 December 2008)Advertising
Advertising promoted the notion of how the UK 2011 census would help to shape Britain's future in areas such as healthcare and education. TV adverts, for example, depictedControversy
“The UK Statistics Authority is responsible for carrying out the census in England and Wales. The board of the authority has expressed the view that the 2011 census should be the last conduction on the traditional basis. Through the 'Beyond 2011 Beyond 2011, also known as The Beyond 2011 Programme, is a project initiated by the UK Statistics Authority to look at the alternatives to running a UK census in 2021. In 2008, the Treasury Select Committee had expressed concerns about the incre ...' project the authority has been considering alternative ways of obtaining information that has been traditionally gathered via a census.
The current advice from the ONS is clear. Census alternatives are not sufficiently developed to provide now the information required to meet essential UK and EU requirements. It is therefore important that the census goes ahead in England and Wales on 27 March 2011. ONS must do all it can to ensure it is a success."Although some 37,000 people recorded their identity as
2011 Census for Northern Ireland
The 2011 Census for Northern Ireland had 59 questions in total. 14 were about the household and its accommodation and 45 questions were for each individual member of the household to complete. The rehearsal was held on Sunday 11 October 2009 in two areas, Derriaghy and Moy & Benburb, covering approximately 5,000 households. The 2011 Census for Northern Ireland costing around £21.8 million over the six-year period 2008–2014. Over the ten-year cycle the cost is expected to be about £25 million.2011 Census for Scotland
Release plans for 2011 census statistics
Responsibility for the release of data from the 2011 census is split between theProspectuses
NISRA, ONS and GROS each publish a schedule stating what documents they will release and when. Those documents are called a "prospectus". Each prospectus isn't fixed, but changes as schedules are changed or documents are late. The prospectuses are linked to in the table below.Release schedules
The Office for National Statistics is responsible for publishing United Kingdom wide 2011 census data. These are co-ordinated releases coinciding with data published by the three national statistical authorities.Release 1.1: (17 December 2012)
Population data including data for males and females for the United Kingdom and revised estimates England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.Release 1.2: (21 March 2013)
Population numbers (rounded), by five-year age bands, sex and densities and household sata at national and local authority level.Release 1.3: (31 July 2013)
Population estimates (unrounded) by single year of age and sex for the UK and all local authorities (or equivalent) in the UK, along with UK historic population pyramids (1951–2011).Release 2.1 (11 October 2013)
Key and Quick statistics Part 1 – Census Profiles; Population, People and Places, Health and Social Care, Travel and Transport. National and Local Authority geographies.Release 2.2 (4 December 2013)
Key and Quick statistics Part 2 – Census Profiles; Qualifications and Labour Market. National and Local Authority geographies.Release 2.3 (23 January 2014)
Key and Quick statistics Part 3 – Multivariate, Local and Detailed Characteristics tables for: Living arrangements; Household composition; and Accommodation type.Subsequent releases of UK-wide 2011 Census specialist products
A series of further releases, subsequent to the four main releases of 2011 Census statistics including migration tables, workplace tables, detailed religion and ethnic group tables, and statistics relating to alternative population bases. Specialist products would include:- Small population groups; microdata; flow data (also known as origin-destination statistics). It is also suggested that data organised around alternative population bases may be produced. *Release of European Commission Census Regulation Statistics (31 March 2014) – UK data provided as part of an EU project to provide comparable statistics *Release of Key and Quick Statistics (13 June 2014) – Consolidated data sets previously published by the relevant census office in each constituent country of the UK. *Release OD1a Origin-destination data (25 July 2014) – Migration, workplace and students for local authorities *Release OD1a Origin-destination data (25 November 2014) – Movement of students from boarding school addresses *Release OD1a Origin-destination data (25 November 2014) – Location of usual residence and place of work *Release OD1c Origin-destination data (25 November 2014) – Internal and international migration. *Release UN questionnaire (18 December 2014) – UK submission for United Nations questionnaire on population and housing censuses (part 1) *Release UN questionnaire (21 January 2015) – UK submission for United Nations questionnaire on population and housing censuses (part 2) *Release UK1 (28 January 2015) – UK Detailed Migration tables *Release OD2 Origin-destination data (25 March 2015) – Migration for local authorities The original plans of the ONS, covering England and Wales, confirmed that there would be four stages of data release starting in July 2012 and running until October 2013. This was increased to five stages in October 2013. A detailed commentary accompanies each release along with relevant reference materials. Additionally there will be graphic visualisations providing further clarification and comparison between different data sets and comparison over time using data from earlier censuses. There will also be more specialist reports and products. Certain data bases will also be produced in the Welsh language.ONS Census Prospectus 30 September 2013First phase releases: July – November 2012
Population estimates, age and sex, and occupied households estimates for England and for Wales=Release 1.1 (July and September 2012)
= *Release 1.1R (16 July) – Rounded estimates of the usual resident population and households by age, and sex and occupied households at country, regional, and local authority level *Release 1.1U (24 September) – Unrounded estimates of the usual resident population and households by age, and sex and occupied households at country, regional, and local authority level=Release 1.2 (22 October 2012)
= Residents with second properties outside the local authority area of their primary residence, at country and local authority level=Release 1.3 (23 November 2012)
= Estimates of the usual resident population and households by age, and sex and occupied households at ward and output area levelSecond phase releases: December 2012 – March 2013
Key and quick=Release 2.1 (11 December 2012)
= Key Statistics for local authorities in England and Wales comprising data which adds detail to the population estimates published in July 2012. It includes population information on international migration, age, ethnicity, national identity, health, housing and religion. Also labour force survey data. For Wales, there is data on the Welsh language and population data on unitary authorities.=Release 2.2 (30 January 2013)
= Statistical tables for Output Areas (OAs) and for wards. Background information covering families, general health and disability, unpaid care, language, occupation and industry, qualifications and economic activity.=Release 2.3 (19 February 2013)
= Key and quick statistics for postcode sectors, health areas and Welsh Government devolved constituencies, and the key statistics for national parks in England and Wales, with a separate release for Wales only.=Release 2.4 (26 March 2013)
= Statistical tables for non-UK short-term residents in England and Wales and quick statistics for England and Wales on national identity, passports held and country of birth, with a separate release for Wales only.Third phase releases: May 2013 – February 2014
Detailed characteristics in some cases determined by geography=Release 3.1 (16 May 2013)
= More detailed cross tabulation of data topics: Migration; ethnicity, identity, language and religion; health; and Welsh tables. Based on local authority areas.=Release 3.2 (June 2013 and July 2013)
= *Release 3.2a (28 June) – Topics: Number of usual residents and number of households for Postcodes. Key statistics for built-up areas. Housing and demography. Based on local authority, regions, country, health areas and national parks. *Release 3.2b (12 July) – Topics: Migration, ethnicity identity, language, religion unpaid care and health. Based on local authority, wards, regions, country, heath areas and national parks. This release provides the first detailed cross tabulations of two or more topics previously issued in Releases 3.1 and 3.2a for MSOAs and 'Merged Wards'.=Release 3.3 (30 August 2013)
= Detailed Characteristics tables for the themes of demography and families at local authority, MSOA and ward level. English language proficiency for regions, local authorities, 2011 Census Merged Wards and MSOAs in England and Wales.=Release 3.4 (26 September 2013)
= Detailed Characteristics tables for communal establishments at local authority, MSOA and ward level=Release 3.5 (November 2013 – February 2014)
= *Release 3.5a (29 November) Detailed Characteristics tables for labour markets and qualifications at local authority, MSOA and ward level *Release 3.5b (19 December) Detailed Characteristics tables for labour markets and qualifications at local authority, MSOA and ward level *Release 3.5c (26 February) Detailed Characteristics for approximated social grade for MSOAs and wards in England and Wales=Release 3.6 (26 February 2014)
= Detailed Characteristics tables for travel to work and armed forces, MSOA and ward level car or van availability for local authoritiesFourth phase releases: July 2013 – April 2014
Topics will include multivariate data based on combinations of; age, sex resident type, ethnic group, economic activity, general health, provision of unpaid leave, country of birth, occupation, dwelling and accommodation type, household space=Release 4.1 (31 July 2013)
= The first Local Characteristics tables for the topics of ethnicity, identity, language and religion for Output Areas, unitary and local authorities and regions.=Release 4.2 (30 August 2013)
= Local Characteristics tables for the topics of health and unpaid care for Output Areas. Follow up to Release 3.2b on 12 July 2013.=Release 4.3 (26 September 2013)
= Local Characteristic Tables for the topic of migration for Output Areas.=Release 4.4 (January – February 2014)
= *Release 4.4a (23 January 2014) – Local Characteristic Tables: Demography for Output Areas *Release 4.4b (23 January 2014) – Local Characteristic Tables: Housing for Output Areas=Release 4.5 (February 2014)
= *Release 4.5a (26 February 2014) – Local Characteristic Tables: Labour market for Output Areas *Release 4.5b (26 February 2014) – Local Characteristic Tables: Occupations for Output Areas=Release 4.6 (26 March 2014)
= Local Characteristics on travel to work and car and van availability for Output Areas.Fifth phase releases: 31 October 2013 – April 2014
=Release 5.1 (October 2013)
= *Release 5.1a (31 October) – Topics: Non UK born short-term resident population statistics for Local Authorities. *Release 5.1b (31 October) – Topics: Workday population statistics for Output Areas (Part 1)=Release 5.2 (April 2014)
= *Release 5.2a (24 April 2014) – Topics: Workplace Population Statistics using the new workplace zone geography *Release 5.2b (24 April 2014) – Topics: Workday Population Statistics for MSOAs and Output Areas (Part 2)=Release 5.3 (24 September)
= Out-of-term time statistics for:- population density, Marital and civil partnership status, sex and age, ethnic group and country of birth, main language, Welsh language, religion, passport held, provision of unpaid care, general health, highest level of qualification, economic activity, hours worked, industry, occupation, length of residence in the UK.Sixth phase releases (May 2014)
*Release 6.1a (23 May 2014) – Migration Statistics for Wales *Release 6.2 (23 May 2014) – Armed Forces Statistics for Local Authorities in England and WalesSubsequent releases of specialist products
In addition to the six main releases phases further supplementary, smaller scale and specialist releases including; Small population groups, Microdata (teaching files, safeguarded files and secure files), Origin-destination data, and Alternate population bases.=Supplementary Releases via Nomis
= *Release Sup. 1 (9 April 2014) Local Characteristics tables released on Nomis for:- residence, ethnic group, national identity, language proficiency, long-term health, student accommodation, highest level of qualification and occupation. *Release Sup, 2 (25 May 2014) Local Characteristics tables released on Nomis for:- ethnic group, general health, religion and social grade. *Release Sup, 3 (9 September 2014) Local Characteristics tables released on Nomis – Part 1:- residence, country of birth, long-term and general health, religion, language proficiency, provision of unpaid care, workplace and travel to work. *Release Sup, 4 (28 January 2015) Local and Detailed Characteristics tables released on Nomis – Part 2:- communal establishments. sex by age with ages below 25 broken down to single year of age=Supplementary Releases of Origin-destination data
= *Release OD1a Origin-destination data (25 July 2014) ''(superseded by UK release 25 November 2014)'' – Internal and international migrants for merged local authorities and MSOAs. *Release OD1a Origin-destination data (25 July 2014) ''(superseded by UK release 25 November 2014)'' – Commuting patterns and workplaces for merged local authorities and MSOAs. *Release OD1b Origin-destination data (25 July 2014) – Dependent children Usual and second residences for merged local authorities and MSOAs. *Release OD2 Origin-destination data (25 March 2015) – Location of usual residence and place of work for Output Areas and Workplace Zones=Smaller scale Releases
= *Release Small population Dataset SP1 (18 December 2014) – specific ethnic group or country of birth population by sex and age. *Release Small population Dataset SP2 (18 December 2014) – separate ethnic group, religion or national identity by sex, age, economic activity, qualifications, provision of unpaid care and disability. The release plans for Northern Ireland were set out by the NISRA. The release phases are closely synchronised with those of the ONS for England and Wales with some marginal variations to allow for local administrative arrangements. The release phases are as follows:-First phases releases (July – September 2012)
=Release 1.1 (16 July 2012)
= Usual resident population by single age and sex.=Release 1.2 (19 September 2012)
= Usual resident population by single age and sex for Local Government Districts, etc. Household number and size by geographic units.Second phase releases (December 2012 – February 2013)
=Release 2.1 (11 December 2012)
= Key statistics for NI and Local Government Districts etc.=Release 2.2 (30 January 2013)
= Key statistics for Assembly Areas, Electoral Wards, Super Output Areas (SOAs) and Sammer Areas (SAs)=Release 2.3 (28 February 2013)
= Quick statistics for all geographies and population and household estimates for lower geographies.Third phase releases (May – November 2013)
=Release 3.1 (16 May 2013)
= Detailed characteristics for NI-wide and all local authority and other geographies (including religion, identity and health).=Release 3.2 (28 June 2013)
= Detailed characteristics for NI (including ethnicity, country of birth and language).=Release 3.3 (11 September 2013)
= Remaining detailed characteristics for NI including labour market and housing.=Release 3.4 (28 November 2013)
= All outstanding detailed characteristics for the remaining geographic areas.Fourth phase release (March 2014)
=Release 4.1 (20 March 2014)
= Multivariate local characteristic tables and detailed themes around: economic activity; country of birth; occupation; and unpaid care.Subsequent releases of specialist products
In addition to the three main releases further smaller-scale and specialist releases including; Detailed, Local Characteristics, Special and Alternative populations: *Release (24 September 2014) Short-Term Resident Population *Release (19 November 2014) Workplace Population Statistics *Release (18 December 2014) Daytime Population Statistics *Release (30 January 2015) Statistics for New Local Government Districts, Wards and Small Areas *Release (26 February 2015) Detailed and Local Characteristics Travel to Work or Place of Study *Release (26 February 2015) Additional Workplace and Daytime Population Statistics The release plans for Scotland were set out by the GROS Release phase dates are partly in sync with those of the other UK constituent country statistical authorities, however the first release was scheduled for six months after the first releases by the other authorities. Consequently, release of UK-wide data has been scheduled so as to coincide with release plans for Scotland's Census releases. The release phases are as follows:-First release: (December 2012 – August 2013)
Population estimates, based on resident households, communal establishments and age bands.=Release 1A (17 December 2012)
= Estimates of the usually resident population of Scotland rounded to the nearest thousand, broken down by age and sex. An estimate of the total population in each council area, rounded to nearest thousand.=Release 1B (21 March 2013)
= Population estimates by five-year age bands and sex for Scotland and each council area. Household estimates. Population and household changes since 2001 census. Population dependency ratios for Scotland and each council area.=Release 1C (July – August 2013)
= First release of unrounded population estimates and household communal establishment numbers, by single year of age and sex. (First published as rounded data in December 2012 and March 2013). * Release 1C (part one) (23 July 2013) National, council areas, and health boards. * Release 1C (part two) (15 August 2013) postcodes, Output Areas and census datazones.Second release: (September – December 2013)
Key and quick statistics; Census Profiles; headcounts and geography products. Comprising; Estimates by postcode and geography products. This release will represent the start of the dissemination of detailed census statistics for small areas.=Release 2A (26 September 2013)
= Key and quick statistics tables for marriage and civil partnership, ethnicity, religion, language proficiency, country of birth and national identity, heath (excluding long-term health), age, arrival in UK, population and households, housing and accommodation, car and van ownership. Coverage: Scotland, Council Areas and Health Boards.=Release 2B (11 November 2013)
= Key and quick statistics tables for Education and Labour Market. Coverage: All output areas and Data Zones. Also the key and quick statistics for the remaining geographies of the topics covered in Release 2a.=Release 2C (18 December 2013)
= Key and quick statistics tables for Living Arrangements and Travel to Work Methods. Coverage: All levels of census geographies.=Release 2D (9 April 2014)
= Key and quick statistics tables for households, health and deprivationThird release: (February 2014 onwards)
Local Characteristics tables. Multivariate statistics, comprising a combination of; age, sex, resident type, ethnic group, economic activity, general health and provision of unpaid care, country of birth, and occupation.=Release 3A (27 February 2014)
= Detailed Characteristics tables for Ethnicity, National Identity, Language Proficiency and Skills and Religion topics −1=Release 3B (19 March 2014)
= Local and Detailed Characteristics tables for Ethnicity, National Identity, Language Proficiency and Skills and Religion topics −2=Release 3C (9 April 2014)
= Local and Detailed Characteristics tables for Ethnicity, National Identity, Language Proficiency and Skills and Religion topics −3=Release 3D (15 May 2014)
= Local and Detailed Characteristics tables from Marriage and Civil Partnership, Household, Residency, Family and Living Arrangements, English Language Skills=Release 3E (4 June 2014)
= Local and Detailed Characteristics tables from Marriage and Civil Partnership, Residency, Family and Living Arrangements, Communial establishments=Release 3F (25 June 2014)
= Local and Detailed Characteristics tables for Health, Housing, Population and Diversity=Release 3G (23 July 2014)
= Local and Detailed Characteristics tables for Economic Activity and Education=Release 3H (13 August 2014)
= Local and Detailed Characteristics tables for Qualifications, Employment and Economic Activity, Travel for Work and Study.=Release 3I (24 September 2014)
= Local and Detailed Characteristics tables for Labour Market and Education tables=Release 3J (16 October 2014)
= Local and Detailed Characteristics tables including Long-term Health and Care, Housing and Accommodation=Release 3K (6 November 2014)
= Local and Detailed Characteristics tables including Household and Residence=Release 3L (27 November 2014)
= Local and Detailed Characteristics tables including Transport=Release 3M (18 December 2014)
= Local and Detailed Characteristics tables including Transport and Population and Households=Release 3N (29 January 2015)
= Local and Detailed Characteristics tables including; Travel to Work, Household, Qualifications and Long-term Health, Social Status and Economic Activity.Subsequent releases of specialist products
In addition to the three main releases further smaller-scale and specialist releases including; Detailed, Local Characteristics, Special and Alternative populations: *Release (24 September 2014)Short-Term Resident Population *Release (19 November 2014)Workplace Population Statistics *Release (18 December 2014) Daytime Population Statistics *Release (30 January 2015) Statistics for New Local Government Districts, Wards and Small Areas *Release (26 February 2015) Detailed and Local Characteristics Travel to Work or Place of Study *Release (26 February 2015) Additional Workplace and Daytime Population StatisticsPublication of the 2011 census results
The United Kingdom Statistics Authority is responsible for coordinating the release of census data by the devolved statistics authorities. It publishes UK-wide census data results via thPre-defined statistical tables
The format of all the pre-defined statistical tables is standardised as far as practical across the publishing authorities. Since the 2001 UK Census the naming conventions for the tables have been revised following research into the approaches adopted by other census publishing bodies around the world.Bulk data
The statistical authorities are also making available bulk data inCommissioned data
In addition to the standard releases and online bulk access the statistical authorities provide a commissioned data service whereby other data configurations can be purchased, under license, by customers and will subsequently made freely available to other users.See also
External links
England and Wales
Northern Ireland