

The 17th European Badminton Championships were held in
Glasgow Glasgow ( ; sco, Glesca or ; gd, Glaschu ) is the most populous city in Scotland and the fourth-most populous city in the United Kingdom, as well as being the 27th largest city by population in Europe. In 2020, it had an estimated pop ...
Scotland Scotland (, ) is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. Covering the northern third of the island of Great Britain, mainland Scotland has a border with England to the southeast and is otherwise surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean to th ...
, between 25 and 29 April 2000, and hosted by the European Badminton Union and the Scottish Badminton Union.


This tournament was held at the Kelvin Hall International Sports Arena, in
Glasgow Glasgow ( ; sco, Glesca or ; gd, Glaschu ) is the most populous city in Scotland and the fourth-most populous city in the United Kingdom, as well as being the 27th largest city by population in Europe. In 2020, it had an estimated pop ...





Medal account


External links

Tournament draw
at sbg.ac.at
at badmintoneurope.com

at scotbadminton.demon.co.uk {{European badminton champs European Badminton Championships European Badminton Championships B Badminton tournaments in Scotland International sports competitions in Glasgow 20th century in Glasgow 2000s in Glasgow