

174 (one hundred ndseventy-four) is the
natural number In mathematics, the natural numbers are those numbers used for counting (as in "there are ''six'' coins on the table") and ordering (as in "this is the ''third'' largest city in the country"). Numbers used for counting are called ''cardinal ...
173 Year 173 ( CLXXIII) was a common year starting on Thursday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar. At the time, it was known as the Year of the Consulship of Severus and Pompeianus (or, less frequently, year 926 ''Ab urbe c ...
and preceding
175 Year 175 ( CLXXV) was a common year starting on Saturday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar. At the time, it was known as the Year of the Consulship of Piso and Iulianus (or, less frequently, year 928 '' Ab urbe condi ...

In mathematics

There are 174 7-crossing semi-meanders, ways of arranging a semi-infinite curve in the plane so that it crosses a straight line seven times. There are 174 invertible 3\times 3 (0,1)-matrices. There are also 174 combinatorially distinct ways of subdividing a topological cuboid into a mesh of
tetrahedra In geometry, a tetrahedron (plural: tetrahedra or tetrahedrons), also known as a triangular pyramid, is a polyhedron composed of four triangular faces, six straight edges, and four vertex corners. The tetrahedron is the simplest of all the o ...
, without adding extra vertices, although not all can be represented geometrically by flat-sided polyhedra. The
Mordell curve In algebra, a Mordell curve is an elliptic curve of the form ''y''2 = ''x''3 + ''n'', where ''n'' is a fixed non-zero integer An integer is the number zero (), a positive natural number (, , , etc.) or a negative integer with a minus sign ( ...
y^2=x^3-174 has
rank Rank is the relative position, value, worth, complexity, power, importance, authority, level, etc. of a person or object within a ranking, such as: Level or position in a hierarchical organization * Academic rank * Diplomatic rank * Hierarchy * ...
three, and 174 is the smallest positive integer for which y^2=x^3-k has this rank. The corresponding number for curves y^2=x^3+k is 113.

In other fields

English draughts English draughts (British English) or checkers (American English), also called straight checkers or simply draughts, is a form of the strategy board game checkers (or draughts). It is played on an 8×8 checkerboard with 12 pieces per side. Th ...
or checkers, a common variation is the "three-move restriction", in which the first three moves by both players are chosen at random. There are 174 different choices for these moves, although some systems for choosing these moves further restrict them to a subset that is believed to lead to an even position.

See also

* The year AD 174 or
174 BC __NOTOC__ Year 174 BC was a year of the pre-Julian Roman calendar. At the time it was known as the Year of the Consulship of Paullulus and Scaevola (or, less frequently, year 580 ''Ab urbe condita''). The denomination 174 BC for this year has be ...
* List of highways numbered 174 *


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