1996 Yugoslavian Parliamentary Election



Parliamentary elections were held in the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Serbia and Montenegro ( sr, Cрбија и Црна Гора, translit=Srbija i Crna Gora) was a country in Southeast Europe located in the Balkans that existed from 1992 to 2006, following the breakup of the Socialist Federal Republic of Y ...
on 3 November 1996. A coalition of the
Socialist Party of Serbia The Socialist Party of Serbia ( sr, Социјалистичка партија Србије, Socijalistička partija Srbije, SPS) is a political party in Serbia. It is led by Ivica Dačić. It was founded in 1990 as the direct successor to ...
, the
Yugoslav Left The Yugoslav Left ( sr, Југословенска Левица, Jugoslovenska Levica; abbr. ЈУЛ, JUL) was a far-left political party in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. At its peak, the party had 20 seats in Republic of Serbia's National As ...
New Democracy New Democracy, or the New Democratic Revolution, is a concept based on Mao Zedong's Bloc of Four Social Classes theory in post-revolutionary China which argued originally that democracy in China would take a path that was decisively distinct ...
emerged as the largest bloc in the Federal Assembly, winning 64 of the 138 seats.Nohlen & Stöver, p1724
Radoje Kontić Radoje Kontić (Serbian Cyrillic: Радоје Контић; born 31 May 1937) is a Montenegrin former politician and technologist who served as the Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from 1993 to 1998. Biography He was the l ...
, member of the Montenegrin ruling party, the
Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro The Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro ( cnr, Демократска партија социјалиста Црне Горе, Demokratska partija socijalista Crne Gore, DPS) is a populist political party in Montenegro. A former long-time ...
, was confirmed as Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. He was replaced, in 1998, by
Momir Bulatović Momir Bulatović ( sr-cyr, Момир Булатовић; 21 September 1956 – 30 June 2019) was a Yugoslav and Montenegrin politician. He was the first President of the Republic of Montenegro from 1990 to 1998, after which he served as the Pr ...
, leader of
Socialist People's Party of Montenegro The Socialist People's Party of Montenegro ( sr, Социјалистичка народна партија Црне Горе, Socijalistička narodna partija Crne Gore, SNP) is a political party in Montenegro. It is a social-democratic and s ...



{{Serbia and Montenegro elections
Yugoslavia Yugoslavia (; sh-Latn-Cyrl, separator=" / ", Jugoslavija, Југославија ; sl, Jugoslavija ; mk, Југославија ;; rup, Iugoslavia; hu, Jugoszlávia; rue, label= Pannonian Rusyn, Югославия, translit=Juhoslavij ...
1996 elections in Yugoslavia 1996 in Yugoslavia Elections in Serbia and Montenegro
Yugoslavia Yugoslavia (; sh-Latn-Cyrl, separator=" / ", Jugoslavija, Југославија ; sl, Jugoslavija ; mk, Југославија ;; rup, Iugoslavia; hu, Jugoszlávia; rue, label= Pannonian Rusyn, Югославия, translit=Juhoslavij ...
Election and referendum articles with incomplete results