1883 Croatian Parliamentary By-election



By-elections for the
Croatian Military Frontier The Croatian Military Frontier ( hr, Vojna krajina or ') was a district of the Military Frontier, a territory in the Habsburg monarchy, first during the period of the Austrian Empire and then during Austria-Hungary. History Founded in the late 16 ...
districts that had been incorporated into the
Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia The Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia ( hr, Kraljevina Hrvatska i Slavonija; hu, Horvát-Szlavónország or ; de-AT, Königreich Kroatien und Slawonien) was a nominally autonomous kingdom and constitutionally defined separate political nation with ...
in 1881 were held over three days between 19 and 21 April 1883.


Elected representatives


* {{Croatian elections Elections in Croatia
Croatia , image_flag = Flag of Croatia.svg , image_coat = Coat of arms of Croatia.svg , anthem = "Lijepa naša domovino"("Our Beautiful Homeland") , image_map = , map_caption = , capit ...
1883 in Croatia Elections in Austria-Hungary April 1883 events Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia Election and referendum articles with incomplete results