

Country Code Country codes are short alphabetic or numeric geographical codes ( geocodes) developed to represent countries and dependent areas, for use in data processing and communications. Several different systems have been developed to do this. The term ' ...
: +692
International Call Prefix An international call prefix, international dial-out code or international direct dial code (IDD code) is a trunk prefix that indicates an international phone call. In the dialling sequence, the prefix precedes the country calling code (and, furt ...
: 00 National Significant Numbers (NSN): seven-digits Format: +692 yyy xxxx or +692 yyyy xxx

Areas in the Marshall Islands

See also

* Communications in the Marshall Islands


Marshall Islands The Marshall Islands ( mh, Ṃajeḷ), officially the Republic of the Marshall Islands ( mh, Aolepān Aorōkin Ṃajeḷ),'' () is an independent island country and microstate near the Equator in the Pacific Ocean, slightly west of the Internati ...
Communications in the Marshall Islands {{Telephonenumber-stub