
is a Japanese television drama series and the 103rd Asadora series, following Yell. It premiered on November 30, 2020 and concluded on May 15, 2021. It is based on the life of Chieko Naniwa. Plot Chiyo Takei (Hana Sugisaki) was born to a poor family in Osaka Prefecture’s Minamikawachi district at the of the Meiji era. Her mother died when she was still a child, and she lived with her father Teruo and younger brother. Although Chiyo could not be put through elementary school, she has the gift of the gab and quick wit. At the age of 9, she starts working as a servant in Dotonbori and comes across the theatre world which immediately captivates her. Chiyo’s desire to become an actress grows stronger by the day. She eventually runs away and heads to Kyoto where she throws herself into acting. Cast Takei family * Hana Sugisaki as Chiyo Takei ** Nono Maida as young Chiyo * Tortoise Matsumoto as Teruo Takei, Chiyo's father * Emma Miyazawa as Kuriko Takei, Chiyo's step-mot ...
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Okaeri Mone
is a Japanese television drama series and the 104th Asadora series, following Ochoyan. It premiered on May 17, 2021 and concluded on October 29, 2021. Plot Born in September 1995, Momone Nagaura lived with her parents, grandfather, and sister in Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture. After failing her college entrance exams, she went to live with her grandfather's acquaintance who is a forest guide in Tome City. Momone's life changed when she met a popular weather forecaster from Tokyo who taught her how weather forecasts can predict the future. She decides to study hard and be a weather forecaster. Cast Nagaura's family * Kaya Kiyohara as Momone Nagaura (her nickname was Monet) * Seiyō Uchino as Kōji Nagaura, Momone's father * Kyōka Suzuki as Ayako Nagaura, Momone's mother * Aju Makita as Michi Nagaura, Momone's younger sister * Tatsuya Fuji as Tatsumi Nagaura, Momone's grandfather * Keiko Takeshita as Masayo Nagaura, Momone's grandmother (also as narrator) Momone' ...
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