Adventures Into The Unknown

Adventures Into The Unknown
''Adventures Into the Unknown'' was an American comic-book magazine series best known as the medium's first ongoing horror-comics title. Published by the American Comics Group, initially under the imprint B&I Publishing, it ran 174 issues (cover-dated Fall 1948 - Aug. 1967).''Adventures Into the Unknown'' (American Comics Group, 1948 Series)
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The first issue, written by with art by

picture info

American Comics Group
American Comics Group (ACG) was an American comic book publisher started in 1939 and existing under the ACG name from 1943 to 1967. It published the medium's first ongoing horror-comics title, ''Adventures into the Unknown''. ACG's best-known character was the 1960s satirical-humor hero Herbie Popnecker, who starred for a time in ''Forbidden Worlds''. Herbie would later get his own title and be turned into a "superhero" called the Fat Fury. Founded by Benjamin W. Sangor, ACG was co-owned by Fred Iger from 1948 to 1967."Iger, Fred"
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Iger's father-in-law, , head of